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Posts posted by Rhett

  1. See think like a cop, if your going around a bend where a cop could be sitting... slow down to about 72mph... no cop.. keep accelerating. I have got less tickets with no detector than with... so Do what you want it is all preference... Rob Has his mounted up High and Tapped into the OnStar power on his Vette. Looks real good hardly noticeable
  2. I am not big on Halo multiplayer, but I love the story and would like to give it a run through if anyone gets bored with it and wants to loan it out.


    The story is DAMN GOOD. I can talk about it for a while. They layered it so well when you combine all the games, anima movies, and books. Its a pretty good story they could easily make a Movie Trilogy and do really well. They should! Since almost everything is a remake now.

  3. I just got back from a Halo Party, Lame but I used to do it in high school so a bunch of us (16) got together, linked about 7 xboxs together and had a blast. So now I can say mulitiplayer is pretty fucking BA. I am a huge fan of using the hologram :D
  4. It is a good game, If you are wanting a tactical first person shooter. This is not the game for you. It is a Run and Gun game. In Halo online multiplayer you can sometimes unload 20 shots into some one and not drop them. So it is def not a tactical shooter, takes some thought but not much.


    But I play Halo Campaign for the story... it has a pretty good story and I enjoy it.


    Just thought I would add this to what I said before.

  5. I just Beat Halo Reach, Havnt Played online yet tho. The game is good. I like it better than 2 and 3. 1 is just a classic. I have not played ODST but I heard it is closer to it and 3. If you dont plan on playing online. I would rent it for the story. But if your going to playt online you will get addicted so buy it.
  6. In comparison to where u went, cg is way clasy :lol: and none of this happened at a club, this was a private party


    Yeah, still not classy... A strip Club is a strip club and the girls at X are not bad at all... DreamGirls there was 2 hot girls and Phil would have loved the rest

  7. Moxie, played out, bro rape. You know this day in age with all multi media access you would know these phrases are "played out"l wens the last time anyone mentioned bro rape? I did the 3rd person thing not because I'm cool, but in refference that this guy. Doesn't lie. And I didn't mean classy in a bitch u would take home to mom dukes, I meant classy for a stripper. And in comparing rachels to columbus gold. Id say cg is fucking classy. Now you on the other hand love mel I don't have to be a celeb cause u sir follow me like twitter. There is no room left on this band wagon, but. Jog close maybe one day ill let u hop on wen I boot someone else off.


    How is 1. Giving a guy a blow job next to their son 2. Sticking the big end of a beer bottle in there ass and pouring it into a guys mouth classy... I mean sounds cool.. but I would have used another word besides Classy

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