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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. That thing is more dragster than trike.... its a dragster with a fucked up seat and steering wheel
  2. Thats what i need to get up, I just watched it all on my PC (cant edit with Windows Movie Maker either) God some of this shit is epic!
  3. Rhett


    I heard about this work out routine.... I heard its called "The Play Boy Work Out"
  4. Ok, I have a JVC Everio Camcorder and it saves files as MPEG, I would like to edit these in iMovie, but the file type is not supported by Mac osX so I need something to convert these, only program I found puts a gay Watermark in it unless you buy it. Thanks in advance, I need to post some video soon
  5. Thanks Doc! Good Man, Will try to make the spots tomorrow.... see whats up..
  6. CLIFFS: Lightsabers exist /end thread
  7. Rhett


    Bro-Tate-o Bro-Tot-o
  8. You all make the same sounds as a pit bike "Bitch, Bitch, biiitch, biiiiitttccchhh, whine whine whineeeee"
  9. I want the i4 so much, but not till they fix this shit... and I will wait another 6 months for a upgrade.
  10. If you ever want to learn how to shoot that thing let me know!
  11. I weigh in at 158lbs So in a 1/4 mile that would loose you about .17sec... on the avg
  12. Now that I know all the stops, order and EVERYTHING (almost) I can no longer activaly participate as a team member. 1. Who Needs/Wants Video? I will be a third member in a car/cars if some one has a back seat. 2. Who wants to let me sleep on the floor of their Hotel. (will help cover cost) 3. I will provide everything for video and pictures, I will use your equipment if you would like. Let me know.
  13. Now there is going to be 2 LS1 swapped 240s....
  14. This man speaks truth!!! Hey I made $20 dancing in my boxers...
  15. You are all are just bitching because someone can see how big your package is... or isn't. STFU... If you were on a plane and some mother fucker started lighting his shoe on fire or the bomb in his pants, you all would cry "how did he get threw security with the explosives" booo fucking hoo...
  16. Needs more Chin Spoiler Needs More K.I.T.T Black out the Grey Grills, and get rid of those cheap ass taillight covers.....
  17. Sorry I couldn't make it out. From what i was hearing was no one was going because of good guys. I have had multiple phone calls saying it was a great time and that I/we missed out! Will be there for sure next time! I heard there was racing till 3am?!?!? Sounds great!
  18. There is another thread dedicated to tonight noob! Jackass
  19. This is a good qustion there should be a thread dedicated to what's going on tonight. Hmm maybe you should make one.... Jackass
  20. Well I saw it go past its breaking point.... So not too much, the Vette sucked his doors off..... twice!
  21. Its still around, I was in it when it was racing... I have video of him missing every gear at redline, and fucking destroying the motor on the second race, Sorry
  22. We are meeting at Hooters on Main @9
  23. Were Meeting around 8:30/9:00. This is for the Good Guys after math at 161 and Busch Blvd... Were meeting at The Waffle House on the Continent Here is the Address 1050 East Dublin Granville Road Columbus, OH 43229-2503 See ya then, Text me if you need more info.
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