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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. I buy all my Wallets from TJ Maxx, They are good, last me a long time, I have a few.. I get bored with them (weird I know) but I got my last one, a good bi-fold Tommy Hilfiger for like $15
  2. He is that Damn good people... Sam Says "Fuck a Tach I can tell from the Engine Sound... even on a mother fucking boat!!!":lol:
  3. Dude, If ya want to borrow my GPS lmk and I will meet up with ya. it has decent battery power
  4. Its Stretch, but put the number in Google and see which Company it is from (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint ect.) Then go to the store and hopefully you talk to a very understanding person. Or Option 2... Give me the number, I call set up a time then your friend and the Police show up.
  5. Prob wont make, ya'll have fun!
  6. A buddy of mine, who is a Whitehall P.O stopped a car that looked like it had been drinking... It was a naked drunk man laying in the driver seat pressing the gas. and a girl with no pants on riding his dick and driving.... Thats nuts
  7. Need a Muffler for the Jeep, 2-2.5 would work... Not really wanting to spend more than $20 if possible but let me know!
  8. I got a new HD camera... let me know so I can get Video!
  9. Thanks Dover, But this... kid dosnt know shit... Parents buy him a car and it was SOL740s old car... thinks hes fast cause he has a EVO... shit I want an EVO to DD not race... but what ever... Maybe I can lock him in on a foot race
  10. Triple Post because I fucking Can!!!!!
  11. Dont listen to him EvoGets8bysmallv8s, He had a Mustang too... sat at Yearheads and got it back and thing didnt even run well I think it drove a few miles.
  12. "Scared Money dont make money" I would be scared to lock it in too... hey if I dont get a car you get $250.... could be easy money. I mean thats almost your one month car payment.
  13. Look.. you dont know me, or my Mustang... hell only a few people know what all was done to it. On Motor you prob would have beaten me. I agree. On Spray no way. Like I said my car was built for it... it needed it to go fast. I am not here to play games or talk mad shit. I made a simple joke about how instead of buying a Evo you should have got a 5.0 junkyard motor and put a turbo on it... making a joke. But you have to go and keep running your cock suck. If you want to play the "you know some one who knows some one" game thats fine... I KNOW some one that will beat what ever you can throw at me. But how about this... Since your so sure I wont have a car that will beat you. How about we do this. Heads up race, Before July 15th 2011. You vs me (My Name will be on the title.) for how about $1,000... with a $250 bitch out. How does this sound... you able to step up? ... I will make this even more interesting.. for every car length I win by is another $100. LOCK IT IN Look there is no need to get all pissy this is how CR is... OG's Like the 2004ers just Lurk and go to shows... The People after them (like my self) race and talk a lil shit... The newbs (You) get shit from us... its how it works.. hell if you go back to the remember when section you find me in my newness. So Look, dont take any of this personal, because I am not.. I am doing this all for the sake of racing and entertainment. bitch
  14. I know your fucking High as shit if you think sooo....
  15. Rhett

    Get Low

    Looks awesome, possibly a good "Feel Good Movie"... Im in!
  16. Rhett


    Question... Why is he banned, and this thread still open... Should have been locked up a while ago... there is nothing important in here... now it is a complete off topic thread man whore thread... Just saying.
  17. Should be a good race... I will put money on Dover tho...
  18. First off you did not know my mustang, In the race your talking about we did a 40roll fucking around. I did it from 3rd gear... and was off the bottle... Yeah I use Nitrous, my car was a drug addict and it needed that drug to do work... Ok Go race Mike Brown from a 40 roll If you put more than 30 cars on him you may have been able to hang with me on motor... and my front bumper was on the STIs Driver Door... and at 115 I was starting to walk ahead. and How about this... Bring your parents car and lets go to a local track Ill bet you $100 I can run your fastest time or Faster in less than 3 runs... Dude.. You dont know me... and your car as you bought it prob has more money in it than Sams whole set up... Look, Not to bench race.. But I will be spending $10k in the spring on my next car.. this includes buying the car and Lock it in for what ever you want you wont stay with in 3 cars of me in any race.
  19. Rhett

    Viper people.

    Planning on throwing viper keys on the table....?
  20. +1 Have been thinking about getting back into a lil car audio... this would be nice and a good place for Selling and WTB car audio
  21. ... Shot a m240B? it should beat out the 249... and the Shotgun... if you like the 249 that is
  22. I would just like to say I hustled your dude in the civic.... Just saying.. Shanton ran the race. Shits slow. should have had someone buy you a 5.0 and put a turbo on it... cause I heard they rape "stock" Evos And on that note if you have modifications done to your car it is NOT STOCK!
  23. This is against the law.... like street racing, dont talk about it!
  24. Rhett


    you cant feel bad a bout posting shit about Stevie Wonder.. its not like he will ever see it while surfing the web lol
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