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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Steroids, Coke and vomiting is always good. Seriously tho.. most diet pills are mostly caffeine and appetite suppressants. Keep active, and diet and show self control you can loose weight and do it safely.
  2. Will be by invite only, for obvious reasons we wont post the exact date and locations on here. PM me if you would want to do this.
  3. Saturday, Then Party with PRK here at the house! All are welcome. BYOB Text if you want info 614.266.1969
  4. BUMP Its tomorrow. Who all is in... cause there has not been much of a response
  5. Shanton is still planning on getting this together. He is out of town for the weekend. But were going to try to plan the route this upcoming week. The tentative dates are 7/23&24 or 7/24&25 for Christmas in July. I will make sure more is posted soon or start planning it.
  6. MCIR for the grudge racing! The Sawmill for the Rice Fest.... I got a hustle mobile for the rice!
  7. And doing well in the PT program, and staying out of trouble. Its Basic they fuck with ya for any reason. And the T.I.s pick the Honor Grads its a pretty cool accomplishment and a great way to start off a possible 20+ year commitment.
  8. Ight man, Ill see ya there... I am going to race some Civic for $20 in the Jeep should be worth a laugh or two lol
  9. Rhett

    guessing game

    Poop in some ones eyes is as disgusting as Dead skin writings... so i wanted to post it...
  10. This is the truth, no one races any more... Paul got a sun burn that is about it.
  11. Could be worse.... could be Security Forces Congrats Mang!
  12. Rhett

    guessing game

    This lady enjoys her yogurt apparently she drinks it out of martini glass http://www.downloadingpornwithdavo.com/spermcocktail/1307.jpg
  13. Rhett

    guessing game

    The I typed in funny SRT4 in Google found this on page one http://everystockphoto.s3.amazonaws.com/wrong_funny_nude_82130_l.jpg
  14. Rhett

    guessing game

    Here is shit for ya paul, http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b258/reesesboy/big_shit.jpg
  15. Rhett

    guessing game

    In B4 Ban Hammer!
  16. Thanks for all the help so Far, I have a stack of applications here to fill out. Put one in for Dave Gill and Carmax, Advanced Auto and Chase... will be putting in for a few more tonight. Safelite is out of the question. I burned that bridge right after high school. I quit with no notice because of my job at Ricart. Keep any more info coming. Will take what I can get but would like to be back around $12 soon.
  17. Word, bring your video camera so I can get better video of people getting walked on!
  18. If on 360 Would for sure buy it.
  19. Josh, Sam... you guys hitting up the ricer fest after Marion?
  20. Bump for clean car Saw it on Hudson St today
  21. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v704/hiitsmejimmy/rx7105.jpg That diff is going to say "C-ya Dude"
  22. No because the day before my last day. The asked me to leave for "Stealing Company Property" It was a web link I sent to my personal email to check on appointments from home. I would work on my days off to just get a sale off the clock. But I got tired of driving into work to have the people not show up. So I would call them before going into work to confirm they would be there. I sent the email after being there for 2 months... but if this is a concern to any one I can give you my supervisors number and he will vouch for me. It was the district manager who did this. He is no longer the district manager, he was moved back to sales.
  23. Lets figure out a day/night to go back up to Canada and make a nasty video...
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