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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Look around I bought mine new for $600 $700something with tax
  2. I say... fuck it.... everything is legal to you get caught!!! I say we dont be dumb asses and Meet at Polaris every Friday and Saturday at the same times and go run up 71n the same times with like 15 cars.... why dont people get a little smarter and switch up As some1 said before they are trying to herd us... A shepard cant heard the flock if he cant find them... but oh well.. this idea makes to much sense for any of us to follow, I will see you at Polaris tonight who wants to 40 roll for $20 on 71N at about 12am??? Any takers??
  3. I like it, glad to see your not throwing a LS1 in it like every other swap.... Welcome!!!
  4. ummm driver mod.... srsly I have no idea..
  5. I want to see these run in person sometime for sure... I willing to bet it sounds better than sex!!
  6. How many time did you run and how many times did he run?
  7. 1. WTF are Jorts??? 2. Rob you need us to bring anything?? Hit me up 205-9757
  8. Wow.... I think I am in love with a stripper.....
  9. Where is it??? Or is she STARTING one??
  10. Why don't we start an E-petition or something to make sure the courts look at whats being put forth and how a DUI is a much more deadly offense... Every 24 hours 1,620 people are injured or maimed by a drunk driver nation wide... I cant find a national statistic on street racing... but I am sure it is no where this... I am willing to bet this many people are not even injured from it on a weekend. I am not saying it is right... I am just saying if I get pulled over doing 85 or w.e on a friday night at 2am and get a "street racing" ticket because I drive a car with a loud exhaust, tinted windows and am a young male... I am going to be pissed because this cop should be looking for a drunk ass hole... And cops will sit and wait for some dumb ass kids (prob ricers) to roll out of a parking lot and race right in front of it to bust us (the car community) but I dont see them sitting out side of every bar waiting to watch a guy stumble into his car and pull out onto a populated street... Oh well fuck it.. Our government is bull shit, our laws are geting to be straight retarded and we are letting more sever crimes happen because the lesser ones are easy tickets... But we allow this to happen, because most of us will bitch and do nothing.... just sit here and watch the world burn.... Let the government take your rights away... I wont.. I (like others on here) have fought for my rights and yours.... I will do what I can to try to make a difference This to me is not about street racing its about our world burning and no one cares... the street racing vs DUI thing is just a very small example.... But lets keep the Racing on the track and keep the DUI's on the streets I guess. Fuck it..... OUT.
  11. I like my job now... I like what I do in the military... but I cant see doing this the rest of my life... I work 45 hours a week. But with this I have no life... I work 5am-2pm Wed-Sunday so I like to try to come out to meets but cant stay late. I realized a couple years back that I am NOT going to be a millionaire and will probably never own multi million dollar home. I would be happy paycheck to paycheck. But I want it to be around things I love like working in a auto shop, someplace when I have a family I dont hae to miss sporting events, birthdays, holidays... because we all know that I dont get those days off in the military... But I guess this place is not the place to cry my feelings out... I am going to go search the net for a job.. Im done...
  12. Both pics are better than Tylers...
  13. I dont like... Cool hood, and its black... but other than that... not so much.. but if it makes you happy Tyler than thats good
  14. I did a report on this in English Class in high school.... Its been this way for a while out west.
  15. I was joking earlier, this car is fucking ugly.... what does everybody like about it...
  16. Applied... Thanks you This could be good... any input on the pay? Hourly, commission how much??
  17. Forget it I wont be out.... thought I was geting paid tomorrow.... well not till Monday FML i am broke
  18. Setting it off??? And dont go trying to bring your IAT shit in this thread
  19. Word I will see if it will make it there... I will try to be by later
  20. I dont know... we need to get this fixed rob... So that way Brian can get it tuned and figured out... I think I may be on to something here... it has tons of torque but top end feels the same... maybe a bit faster
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