Nice route!! Although, with that said, you might want to have a couple of "alternative, ie; shorter" routes in your mapping software / tankbag / whatever, that you can revert to if the weather or time starts to work against you, especially at this time of the year. We stayed at Burr Oak on a saturday this past September & started out east on Rt78 right after a late breakfast which was about 9:30. Running pretty much the route you mapped out in your 3rd message in this posting, up to Marietta, then turned on Rt550 & ran that all the way to Rt13 s. of Chauncey. With a quick stop at the market in town, we didn't return to the lodge until 6 pm. We stopped for a couple of pics & smoke breaks along the way, & mostly had the route to ourselves( I think we only had 5-6 cars to deal with the whole time while on 78), but our pace was brisk & it still took us longer than we had thought it would(in a good way though)...