Something to consider for your next trip to SEO. Last on the list is my current time waster, the circle. Enjoy!! First: 260 with 537 out and back. 537 is newly paved also. Watchy out for the narrow bridge 1/3ish the way into 537, plenty of warning...signs and you can see it. It is in the middle of a turn and it its high in middle.,-81.06406&hl=en&geocode=FSy6XgIdOh0m-w%3BFTe0XAIdu5oo-w%3BFc7jXAIdJ1wp-w%3BFfOyXAIdxJko-w%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=3&mrsp=4&sz=16&sll=39.522499,-81.057193&sspn=0.008872,0.019205&ie=UTF8&ll=39.522052,-81.057129&spn=0.5678,1.229095&z=10 Next an alternate SR60 route to Marietta. Mo turns and less LEO. Includes newly paved 376 N of Mcville, best of 339 and 821, and 530. Good roads with out going too deep into SEO.,-81.418819+to:OH-530+W+to:Main+St+to:Main+St&hl=en&geocode=FWVaXwIdB28e-w%3BFbowXgIdfQsf-w%3BFfj9XAIdoAQf-w%3BFVD9XAIdBxMf-w%3BFfluWwIdsA4g-w%3BFaY1XAIdCV4h-w%3BFWB0WwIdkFIi-w%3BFQ_3XAId7Nok-w%3BFR0sXAIdGcIl-w%3B%3BFajCWwId2O4k-w%3BFSwmWwId1lAk-w%3BFYJpWgIdbAkl-w&mra=mi&mrcr=6,7&mrsp=9&sz=13&via=1,8,10&sll=39.568779,-81.45813&sspn=0.070927,0.153637&ie=UTF8&ll=39.59881,-81.630478&spn=0.283586,0.614548&z=11 SR 26 from Marietta to 800 with a little extra kink from 260 / 537.,-81.11485&hl=en&geocode=Fe5-WQIdWoAl-w%3BFQG2WwIdYfIo-w%3BFTa0XAIduZoo-w%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=2&mrsp=3&sz=17&sll=39.732018,-81.115623&sspn=0.004422,0.009602&ie=UTF8&ll=39.730426,-81.114807&spn=1.13218,2.458191&z=9 Lastly for you race track fans that enjoy going in circles the 260, 537, 26 circle(252). FYI there are 2 gas stations out here in BFE if you find yourself in need. In Marr on 260 near the intersection of 537, and on 537 (not open on Sun).,-81.202784&hl=en&geocode=Ffy0WwIdwvEo-w%3BFQ20XAIdSpoo-w%3BFWXjXAIdD10p-w%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=2&mrsp=3&sz=14&sll=39.564677,-81.202784&sspn=0.035466,0.076818&ie=UTF8&ll=39.564412,-81.202698&spn=0.283727,0.614548&z=11 PS: Whats slicker than cow shite on a newly paved road... fresh cow shite on a newly paved road. The cattle crossing on 260 south of 537 and Marr, the one that I forgot to give you guys a heads up on last weekends ride. Well, I do know that he puts out yellow sirens on each sign (before and after the crossing) when its milk'n time. So if the sirens on, cows will be in the road or fresh op anyone? Warning, dont follow too close through here, I am a master flinger. Dirt clod cow shite concussion story some other time.