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Everything posted by Wicked1

  1. Wicked1


    Ha you can pass all you want man- but If it takes you 2 minutes to pass a car you obviously have the time in your schedule to sit behind them. You probably get paid hourly anyways... right??? People have shit to do- there is no need to block the left lane for 5 minutes. Have a little courtesy.
  2. Wicked1


    I guess you are right about that!
  3. Served the kid right. THat will teach him to be retarded... Jk... but on a serious note, I think he should apply to be a Dayton Police officer: he would fit right in!
  4. oooooooh. Grammar my man!
  5. Wicked1


    You mean using the suicide lane? That's why it's there... Unless you're at an intersection either direction of travel can use that lane. Would you rather they just cut in front of you so you have to slam on your brakes? I use the suicide lane in heavy traffic where there is no way that both ways will be clear for me to pull out.
  6. Nobody said he was smart...
  7. Wicked1


    I will say that Ohio has some of the shortest on ramps I've ever seen. 315 S from Henderson, also the 315 S from the hospital.
  8. Wicked1


    ha are we brothers?
  9. looks like some kid got into an accident, couldn't afford to fix it and used a bunch of random shit to try to get it back on the road. Junk-yard deluxe.
  10. Tell your buddy to man up and take care of his $hit. Why are you worrying about your buddies personal problems? wink wink.
  11. Always, Always ALWAYS File a police report when there is a collision of any kind. ALWAYS- It only protects YOU, especially since you are not at fault. It only takes an hour or so and can save you DAYS of stress.
  12. LoL USMC does this stuff all the time, Rimpac, CAX, Mojave viper, Thailand- relax peeps, its just practice.
  13. ha I had a flash to the movie The Hangover - you're one man wolf pack huh
  14. How much is ammo for those? Can you get the AP ammo they were made for?
  15. DEALERSHIPS= they have motorcycles that they sell to the public. Most of them can find bikes for you as well.
  16. hit the gym- or start to do hand exercises.
  17. Wicked1


    I want some water or juice with ice. Think about that one.
  18. Why are dealers buying used trucks now? Are they manufacturing less since everyone is into little hamster cages now?
  19. It's funny how different people see CL. I never put my phone # in a CL ad and I try to do everything through e-mail unless the buyer/seller requests to speak on the phone. I will say, you meet the weirdest people through CL... Almost as bad as riding a gray hound bus.
  20. I think people assume you are going to barter with them- that's the nature of CL. Everyone is different though- I'm sure there are some great deals when sellers just want the item gone.
  21. Sellers are more likely to deal with you if you go with your plan.
  22. I ignore people like you- or I give back a price higher than what I was originally asking. I negotiate face to face.
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