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Everything posted by Jst2fst

  1. Cool I'm gonna look at some more sites later today and make a potential list. I've been hearing some bad reviews on them (Franklin County) from people on how they are really rude trying to adopt but I'll still give a look see.
  2. I'm sure that if their were some digital real estate we would if we could but the confines of the desk and computer seem to work for the time being.
  3. Oh wait a minute its a trap!! Sneaky one Casper
  4. Cool that's what my last lab was. Great dogs btw people just don't give them the time of day. Also I checked and don't see an exclusion list on breeds anywhere for my apartment as long as they look more lab than pit we should be in the clear.
  5. First off welcome to Ohio Riders. I'd like to get a lab but my apartment has a weight limit of 40 pounds so I don't really know what dogs fall into that category. But I'm sure I can slide by somehow on that one. Looking for a pup like 4 months at least. That be nice but I do live in an apartment
  6. So I'm looking to get a dog and anyone know of any good shelters to adopt from. Looking for a lab or mediumn size dog nI look a a few will probably go Friday in to visit some here in Columbus. Also if anyone knows someone who has some pups that are looking for a home I can do that as well.
  7. I wanna see what they have in the works for a plan b.
  8. Hey all I'm saying is that it's career suicide on his part if sad post is indeed real. plus some outside influence had to be part of the process for that to be posted as well just sayin.
  9. I see enough of people destroying their car to pass me in a bus. It's almost a wtf moment as to why they are in a hurry so bad.
  10. Let the games begin.... Post whoring comencing!
  11. Jst2fst

    CCW app.

    Mine took like two to three days in Columbus. Was kinda worried when he said possibly 45 days.
  12. ^^This people are stupid no doubt but this stupid really....
  13. You wanna talk about being pissed off went to my registered location and could not vote because idiot me forgot to change my address. Was told to head across town withing the 30 minutes the polls were still open gave a to the woman doing the ballots and left. Finally got to the new location with like 10 minutes to spare and the woman is like they sent you to the wrong location. At this point I'm like pissed the hell off because I had three minutes left before the cut off. She then tells me that I am in the right place and I'm just like and shake my head no words to describe how I felt. Story of the night FML...Trying to vote:nono:
  14. So that's how strawberry milk is made
  15. Great job on the video I'm still working on mine.
  16. Nice ride, I'll post up the video when I get some time to edit it about little over two hours to edit.
  17. Ok then I have no idea where I'm heading then.I live of of 70 W near reynoldsburgh
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