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Everything posted by Jst2fst

  1. Just got back from the gym and rode the bike. People would think your from Another planet when they see you riding when it's this cold out. At the gas station a guy says "It's a bit too cold to be riding eh also nice bike" as he drove away in his truck. Said nope not to cold and thanks and continued on my way. Still feels good to ride even this cold clears up the sinuses pretty well.
  2. So a shop in London has an ice cream called "Baby Gaga". Its not made it what we consider to be "normal" milk. Its made with breast milk and they say thast its a top seller. Kinda gross IMO. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110224/od_nm/us_breastmilk_icecream http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_n1zoU8G_M
  3. That's funny as he'll
  4. You keep saying that but the video says otherwise
  5. Jst2fst


    Welcome to OR!
  6. She's got a decent body :drool: http://www.vevo.com/watch/lady-gaga/born-this-way/USUV71100098?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=watch&utm_campaign=LadyGaga_BornThisWay
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNDcAWNscg8&feature=relmfu
  8. Sure I'd be game for an RR ride once its warmer and someone plans one.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkS5H3Of4-E
  10. here's the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkS5H3Of4-E
  11. Whoa why hate on me... just cause you can't find me .
  12. Yea, I saw how easy it is to go 55-60 in first gear. Love it can't wait to get out and go for a "True RR Ride" like you say.
  13. Toby Keith bullets in the gun http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?xl=xl_blazer&v=YNJdV1-JBGU
  14. No, I've seen how they go off in a completely different direction. Just didn't think it would be this soon in the thread yo know.
  15. Yea, when I was out riding Sunday i didn't realize how fast I was going speed limit was 40 looked down and doing 55. Didn't feel like I was going that fast but in my car its completely different. Had to back off a bit just can't really tell speed form the bike by feel yet.
  16. Yea, I'm just gonna sit back and see how this turns out. Not what I had in mind for the thread to do a 180 but whatever.
  17. "For those oh shit moments when you think your gonna lose it in a turn"
  18. true, i just never looked at it that way
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