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Everything posted by Jst2fst

  1. Wish I could make this but its a bit too far for me to go.
  2. Yea, I guess its a decent idea as its not wasting too much taxpayer money on regulations.
  3. No, promises buy I'll try to make it.
  4. Yea, saw that bet he won't do that again
  5. I'll try and find some details when they become available.
  6. I just wanna see how the people will view it and what sanctions would be in place with it not being run by the state. Given they would have to have someone from the state look over their shoulder to make sure things are a-okay
  7. This will be interesting to see how it works out. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2011/jan/07/kasich-may-privatize-liquor-control-agency-ar-354074/
  8. Yea, a bit of it, I mean they had had ideas about charging for how many clicks you use online an allotment of usage time as well. If they can tax it their gonna find a way.
  9. Good point tech has improved and even some tech that was created before its time like that 300 mile battery
  10. I'll give him a look thanks
  11. Yea, but if they need to be scraped and then redesigned its good. So that they have equipment that well equipped for future engagements.
  12. I wanna say she acting, I can't really take her serious though.
  13. Nope their already doing something similar to taxes. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=70455&highlight=ebay+taxes
  14. I mean their nice, but I don't have cash to spend like that an a helmet. Maybe $300 or so. Let's hope the price is a bit lower.
  15. They were on a union mandated break. But seriously how long should it of really taken them.
  16. I guess that's better than being able to track Joe Blow's movements online at least. Where do people get these ideas from anyway.
  17. Manufactures Suggested Rape Price $700 wow Guess their really worth the price.
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