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Everything posted by Jst2fst

  1. I have a rotor lock you can have once I find the key. Don't need it its your if you want it once i find the key.
  2. Now why would she wanna make them smaller. Its the only reason tennis has fans.
  3. What crap didn't work for the Simpson?
  4. I love to block people from passing me at work with a 40ft bus if they piss me off.
  5. Thanks, for the insight. Okay I have too many people to quote so I'm gonna try and answer all of the responses sorry If I leave anyone out. This thread quickly became an insurance bash instead of a help on a new bike. Okay, my first choice a newer bike was a used '08 Gixer-1000 why its was $7500 then I saw how high my insurance from Nationwide would be on it. $250 minimum coverage and $550 for full coverage. Went to Geico and progressive and was quoted for $450 a month. Tried Allstate and it was about $400 a month. State Farm would not even give me a quote because the rep said that they don't do individual policies for motorcycles you had to have a package deal Home, Life Insurance or what ever other type of insurance coverage they offer. As I was in the dealership I noticed a 2010 R6 for the same price $7500. Thought hmm why not just buy a brand new instead of the used Gixer. Insurance would be cheaper. Well the insurance was cheaper kinda. Geico wants $350 a month and progressive wants the same. I even tried the rider.com insurance that was suggested and was quoted at $450 a month. I have shopped around like some say I haven't done my homework. As far a by not going with a family friend I can't do that. I've always gotten my car insurance through him. Nationwide is the cheaper car insurance for me. When I first got my license some places wanted $400 a month to have me added to my mother policy. I call or insurance agent and he got me added for $200 a month. Good deal I say. He's never steered me wrong on insurance and I trust this guy with my life without a doubt. He's the one that told me to try other insurance companies for a cheaper rate because his company was unable to do so. I'm not getting a new bike to show off like hey look what I just bought and it cost this much a month yea I got money like that. No, I have no need to showoff I'm not one to gloat about one's personal wealth and/or financial stability. I'm 23 I already have debt from previous young and dumb ideas(credit cards). I've learned and by doing so I'm willing to spend a bit more to make sure that my investment is well taken care of in the event of an accident. I have nothing against used bike I'd prefer to have one but in this situation I' might as well buy the 2010 over the 2008 for the same price due to the insurance prices. That's where I'm coming from on buying new over used in this situation each situation different as most of us should know that. Were not all kids some of you should be able to see the difference I would think. Say what you want about your rates mine are not going to change and its something I've come to deal with. Yea, I would like to pay almost next to nothing for full coverage but its not gonna happen.
  6. As far as my insurance I've asked why my rates are high no one is able to explain why. The cookie cutter response I keep hearing is because of my age speeding ticket and and accident that's dropped of my license summer '09 and the type of bike it is. Given its a smaller cc I don't see how it can still be this high. I've just come to the fact to just pay it that's why this price doesn't really shock me that much. I have no idea what other factors play into the pricing except age, driving record, vehicle type/year. I p,an on keeping the bike for some time no need for immediate mods as I'm not gonna be on track or anything like that.
  7. Yea, Thanks Casper for the info
  8. Just heard their gonna have him on the show tomorrow live. Some woman offered to donate $15000 to go for paying him.
  9. Seeings how my primary insurance company is Nationwide and I'll be going to Allstate for my new bike I have all of my policies ran through him he's a family friend so I know I have enough coverage.
  10. Yea, my Haynes book for my bike has some perdy pictures of what the stuff is suppose to look like and how corroded it actually is.
  11. Semi Auto reasons not sure...
  12. Never really liked the trailers for this movie... Not much of a will fan either
  13. Yea, I can't be flipping bikes like that I'm thinking its gonna be at the most 9k out the door. Done enough financing to see a pattern
  14. Done deal... Just gonna wait and see if it comes
  15. Just did a reservation for this Saturday WTF
  16. I'll give them a try never had them before...
  17. That's the plan to keep it... Now I don't go out every year and get a new car because the one I have is last years model. No, I keep my vehicles. Even if I go with Allstate if and when I get this bike it will have full coverage insurance because its has to have it. So god forbid anything were to happen to me or the bike. I'm just trying to be cover from all angles. That's all plus the bikes price has already gone down MSRP was like around $10,500 bike price now is $7,500. Its just been sitting on the showroom only 1 mile on the odometer.
  18. Oh...Boy, this was a mistake...again. Okay, lets start off here I don't really want to buy anything used again really unless it stand out among the other bikes on hand. Nothing wrong with it just not me now. You guys are only focused on the insurance aspect. In you eyes it higher then what you pay. But remember that some of you also have more vehicles on your policy, cleaner driving records, married, own a home, have kids, over 25 age range ect. I'm just screwed either way I knew insurance could be this high I just wanted to see if their were cheaper rates and which insurance company's were the best for motorcycle rates. I'm going to check out the links provided for alternative insurance and report back.
  19. Yea, I know I jut was a new model bike I picky when I buy new toys. Heck I might just have to put the bike on my moms insurance I'll get a lower rate jk. I've already figured out how I'm gonna pay it if it get that high. Insurance is not really what I'm worried about its the bike. Like I mentioned I know nothing about Yamaha's. The YZF-R6 looks like a strong bike but I'm not 100% sure need insight from people who ride then. Can't really get that from forum reviews. Also because the bike is gonna be financed no matter what year I get I'm looking at at least $200 or more a month.
  20. Yea, I heard about this on the radio today. This guy sounds legit...
  21. Pretty much anything bigger than a 750cc is gonna rape me on Insurance. I'd like to get a 1000cc but insurance price dictates if I'm willing to pony up $550 a month.
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