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Posts posted by undr_psi

  1. spoke to mike on the phone today about an Alpinestars jacket..all the details don't need shared but mike was great to deal with and RD has all of my future business. I highly recommend buying from Ridersdiscount.

  2. definitely geared for new riders but it was nice to do all the low speed stuff. my instructor said i did extremely well and invited me to a mid ohio track day that he attending. he said i would learn more in one day on the track then i thought possible.

  3. So today is my last day of the basic rider course. I didn't really know what to expect out of the class and was honestly a little nervous about having an instructor breathing down my back but it actually turned out to be an awesome class. they cover alot of things that you may not think about or that may take a little while on the street to develop. The riding part of the class was a little difficult at first going from my F4i to a 200cc dirt bike (i grew up riding and racing dirt bikes but its been years since I've been on one)and all the slow speed weaving that I've never done on the street. I would recommend it to any new rider. hell there's only 5 in my class that have ever riding before. not that there's any real point to my post..just thought id share the experience with everyone and maybe help sway anyone that's "on the fence" about taking it.

  4. thank you everyone! he's home now, and should be fine. he said there was a semi that came into his lane in the curve (head on) and he swung over to miss it and got into the loose stuff and got tossed (hes only been riding for about a week). bikes junk..helmets thrashed..but hes ok. thanks again everyone

  5. On a blue sport bike. From what I could see he got pushed off the road by a car changing lanes, and hit a stone wall. Was wearing a helmet but looked like he had a broken arm at least but I don't think anything life threatning. Hope it wasn't anyone on here. Good luck and heal quick brother.

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