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Everything posted by undr_psi

  1. :funny: ....doesnt he ever have anything nice to say...plus were not talking long term here. most of us would only need her around for a few hours
  2. i wish i could spend $10000 on an audi just to get owned by a shitty old DSM :burn: ...i know...that was a dick move. good to see ya here.
  3. now that was a certfiable dick move
  4. ..what kind of a dirty, twisted fuck would take the time to post that..let alone put another man through the agony of looking at it!! I HATE YOU!! ps..great post, my grandpa was begining to think viagra was a sick joke :thumbup:
  5. hey sam, you could try Nextday Signs i think its on 5th ave or king ave in grandview. they hooked us up with windshield banners custom made for $20..might be worth a try. stay away from shocker stickers.com theyve screwd me and several other guys over with orders.
  6. sir...id help but i dont know who you are...haha maybe your shoule introduce your self in the classroom?..... R TARD NOOB
  7. undr_psi

    1 more night

    ben let me know if you need a ride...the 1gs a little broken so racing is out but i still have a turbo beater!...might make a good camera/chase car
  8. im guessing hes talking about adj. the valves, fuel pressure ect...bugs worked out..stuff like that...as far as carb adj its not that he cant do it..its that he doesnt have the time. he just picked up a new job that involves abunch of travel. and needs the car done
  9. Posting for a friend. he just finished up building an 87 camaro w/a SBC 383 stroker motor. due to time and lack of space to tune the car hes looking for a place or somone that can tune the carb and the rest of the car..im not sure of the specs of the engine...comp. bore ect. nor do i know if any of that is relivent. any info on somewhere or someone that can help is greatly apperciated. Thanks again
  10. my bad, long day and my VTAK is kicking in hard core..just a little jumpy thats all
  11. ya, and correct me if im wrong but the 420a is also found in the sebring and avenger..atleast the 4cyl models as well as the neon and N/A talon/eclipse
  12. well thanks for the obvious .02 and yes I'd say about 98% of people on this board would agree...but the post wasn't asking if you listend to music while you raced or not...now was it..NO....im just asking for some music you guys like that might go well with a race video..not to difficult to answer but i guess everyone has to be a smartass everyonce in a while.
  13. so im making a video of abunch of random footage taken durring the summer but my music selection is falling rather short of where i was hoping. so i ask of you this...when you think of racing or driving, what music do you think of..what do you like to drive to...what gets you pumped up?what music do like like in general, everything considerd, rock, rap, ect. artist, gong title, and genre please..
  14. so i was thinking..maybe i could loose the mower and put up somthing a little more...custom?...also is there anyway to change the saying under my name? thanks alex.
  15. undr_psi


    definetly not standing in line for 90 min to look a boobs..ended up at polaris w/ ben..maybe we can try again friday?
  16. undr_psi


    :funny: +1 ok im out..gunna start heading that way anyone that doesnt come B/C the rain will recieve a complimentry mushroom stamp :woowoo:
  17. undr_psi


    hellz ya ill be there ya but i gotta tune my VTAK soz i can power around the lot and pick up mad bitches yo!!! ....sorry for the outburst ... it will not happen again
  18. undr_psi


    yeah it looked open earlier today
  19. undr_psi


    everyone still in?...ill be there at 630 see ya there
  20. i just got the tires on my moped filled...ill be looking fo you....keep your eyes open for the fat kid on a moped with NOS stickers and JDM HID ebay headlight bulb.. :grin2:
  21. undr_psi


    monday @6:30 .... im in also the girls should be good..my friends sister got a job there and unless someone beat the fuck outta her with the ugly stick in the past few months..we shouild be in for some eyecandy
  22. ive got a newer haro backtrail $100 and a custom built standard STA...ill only let this one go if the price is right..ivr got well over a grand in it
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