Scope Craigslist. For your budget you can get a nice guitar. Most are very lightly used as well. Look for a PRS se or schecter. Usually find $700ish guitars for half on there. Nm just read thru thread more. Enjoy the guitar.
Squated 370x1 yesterday. It was ugly.... Paused at the bottom on accident, depth was not quite there, and grinded it all the way up. Gonna try to clean it up next week for a more legit lift... Ran 2.36 miles today and will be jogging again tomorrow.
That's funny never done a mud race and signed up for tough mudder. Should be fun and I may end up doing a few of the shorter ones throughout the year. Got to get my cardio up before May... Getting close
I mainly concentrate on my protein intake. Try to get around 200 grams or little more each day Eventually I'll focus down on my eating but my love for beer gets in the way often. Back and bi's went well today. Shoulders tomorrow.
Started around September at 255-60 lbs and down to 230 lbs now...looking to get around 220 or so. Gaining strength back and need to start working on cardio for tough mudder in May....So far PRs are bench 300 x 2 squat 330x2 slowly workin deadlifts into back day.
I think it was beginning October last year. Had Goblins for $800 which saves you $75 shipping as well. They seem to be good bikes havent got to ride mine much and I hate cold/snow riding.
Agreed. If you want an Airborne bike... wait for the Dayton Midwest Outdoorfest.... They sell demos....essentially new bikes cuz the course is nothing for around $400 off and its already built and you take it home right there.
Both are amazing. The Allagash he got at a beer store in NY. If you see anything by Allagash grab it they are top notch. Firestone he got by trading heady topper to a guy in California. I wish we got both here. We are missing a lot of the good stuff in ohio.
Hilliard Dave and Busters is better... but Polaris D&B has a Hilton within walking distance sooo take that for what it is. Plenty of shit by Polaris but great thing about that exit is everything else in the city worthwhile is around a 20 minute drive.
I had LASIK about 3 years ago. Was 20/10 after my 3 month check up and haven't been back to an eye doc since. Occassional dryness and light sensitivity that wasn't there before. I'd do it again without a doubt. Good luck.