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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. Only one Honda? Your avatar is disappointed.
  2. Riight. You jumped all over that. That says something for someone who is "track" only.
  3. Wasnt your latest purchase an 03?
  4. Mine for $20 cuz I dont want to break any bills
  5. Basically, what it comes down to is you should have bought a Honda.
  6. Im hoping he got some good ones of me this time. I was disappointed last time.
  7. Is this a for real ride or just a joke thread?
  8. Mykill

    KY ride???

    Im out too. I may have class on that day if I can get it scheduled.
  9. So the headphones are for sale now?
  10. OH I may be able to make this one....This could be fun.
  11. Just wanted to say thanks again to Jinu for all the help.
  12. I would try to get him under 2k. I actually like it without the fairings. Looks kind of like a SV/Honda baby. Go check it out. If it is a sound bike and its worth it to you then get it.
  13. Wait he is moving up so he is not a vagina. How is that the same as you?
  14. Yikes. No wonder you had issues with your neighbor.
  15. Talk to Todd let him know what happened and see what they can do for you. You definitely need to get to one of these on a dry day. Its
  16. Nice. Cant wait to see the video. I really need to get me one of those.
  17. Interested in just selling holster?
  18. The radar looks like scattered showers. Track dried quick other than the a few spots last time sO we should get some good runs in hopefully
  19. Your -80 for making threads like this.
  20. Dont worry forecast will call for rain I'm sure.
  21. Thieves can start mine in 5 second.
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