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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. Paint looks amazing! Really looks great. Im sure it looks even better in person.
  2. I think everyone got stuck. I saw many people (including us) needing a push out.
  3. Nothing great just some early morning random shots. Didnt want the camera out in the rain. Hoping photographer and the guy in my group with the Go Pro comes through.
  4. Mine and Grapesmuggler's bikes Standout's Bike Some OR bikes lined up Pit Mine Lost three sessions with no rain because of the track being flooded
  5. Mykill

    614Paintworx C-

    Im assuming he got the parts and didnt have a chance to look at them. He was probably just happy to finally have them back and wanted to get them on the bike. Pouring concrete is a little different as the flaws would be more obvious. I know personally at that point Ryan was at I would just want my shit back and for the mess to be over with. It was an honest review of his experience. Both good and bad reviews are the purpose of the "Shop Reviews" and I am glad he posted it because I want to hear the good and bad of a business before I give them mine.
  6. Mykill

    IMG 0620

    From the album: April 15 Nelson

  7. Mykill

    IMG 0619

    From the album: April 15 Nelson

  8. Mykill

    IMG 0618

    From the album: April 15 Nelson

  9. Mykill


    From the album: April 15 Nelson

  10. Mykill


    From the album: April 15 Nelson

  11. Mykill


    From the album: April 15 Nelson

  12. Mykill


    From the album: April 15 Nelson

  13. Mykill


    From the album: April 15 Nelson

  14. Mykill


    From the album: April 15 Nelson

  15. Mykill


    From the album: April 15 Nelson

  16. Mykill

    KY ride???

    Ill be there as long as nothing else changes.
  17. Had a good time even in the rain. Wish we would've gotten some more dry runs. Nice meeting everyone and thanks for the help and advice.
  18. Mykill

    KY ride???

    May 21. Looks like Nicks route. I'm off work so I'm in.
  19. That's a good question. Kind of out of the way but if Joe wants to haul over that's fine with me. I'll prolly need help disconnecting. I don't know shit.
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