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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. Mykill

    Fuel Economy

    Exactly! Poor bike. I could easily get 150 with low rpms and no hard acceleration. I'm +2 in the back now and get more around 120s.
  2. Sounds like you guys had a hell of time. I hope I can make it sometime....
  3. Mykill


    No deer. All is well
  4. Mykill


    Took 60n 520-514. You were right about 520 half of it was great the other have was not. Other than that it was good. Wish I had the time to tag along with you guys. You off tomorrow?
  5. I have the actual 03 service manual I'll look through tonight.
  6. I found it through one of links posted. Fight went exactly how I thought it would. Dos Santos is a hell of a fighter. Carwin is shit and really has not fought anyone.
  7. Sorry to hear man. Glad your healing up. The bike is a Honda give it some time and it will fix itself.
  8. Mykill

    father's day

    Ill probably get my dad and I a round of golf or something. I try to think of something I can do with him or spend time with him because he has everything he wants.
  9. http://www.assfaultjunkies.com/showthread.php?12844-04-05-CBR600RR-stuff May have something you need
  10. I know where it's at. It takes roughly 45 minutes to get there.
  11. Yup. Let me know what time you and Todd come up with.
  12. Id take it to Hoblick up here. He did my chain and sprockets/bred brakes/changed both tires for a great price. But it will prolly be expensive. I got killed the one time I took a bike to a dealer. Similar experience where they had the bike for over a month.
  13. ^ kinda what I was thinking. I can tag along Sunday.
  14. Dont worry. There is a reason people dont have the bike you have
  15. Myself and Grapes have that AXO back protector. I figured for $50 bucks I couldnt beat it and it was better than nothing. It's CE with a hardshell. I feel confident it would do its job if needed. I say go for it and it will be a good back up and can always upgrade later.
  16. Here's a video from a ninja 500 at mid o Tuesday. More than capable. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl1WbEexCGw&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  17. Good not pushing it when you tired. I bugged Jbot at Nelson and we leaped frogged back and forth for 2 sessions and it was a blast. Bellboy1, MotoSeries classroom was a little better than Mid-O. Chalkboard and spent more time on topics/drills. Nelson was also nice because Jbot, blue, APCh8er, and a few others all pitted together and was nice to have everyone together and be so helpful with everything. As far as price...Mid-O was about the same if not cheaper when all things considered. Nelson $125 for track day, Gas up and back ~$70ish?, $10 gate fee, whatever you spend on lunch their. Mid-O was $195, nicer facility and track, no gate fee, lunch included and was only 50 miles from my place. So way less $ for gas and about the same overall. Main thing is like everyone else said if you stay within you limits you wont crash. There were people flying and people prolly going slow. If you go slow you get a personal instructor lol. Just go in with an open mind. Do what they say and work on the drills and by the end you will be putting it all together and having free reign of the track and a ton of fun.
  18. Standout^^^ And probably the most important picture of the day....
  19. Honestly after doing Mid O today it is well worth the money. You will be amazed afterwards the difference in your riding.
  20. I have some pictures and videos I'll post up soon hopefully. Man track was insane.
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