i saved your ass you lying fuck .
he was ready to bend you over and raw dog you for lying. you lied about dumb shit, first thing he asked me when i got in the car "do you know that guy?"
i was like " yupp, we meet at the car meet every week and just hang out, why?"
cop "he said he didnt know you, and he was going to his gf house"
phil" what a dumbass, yea we know eachother and his gf lives somewhere around here"
cop" i like not to feel like a dumb ass, so how fast were you going?"
phil" you know i wont tell tell you that" " if i get one of those fop stickers, can i get out of this in the future?"
cop" hell no, it wasnt like i couldnt hear you fools"
phil" it was an accident"
cop" really? how do you accidently race?"
phil "simple, if we knew you were there, we woulda stopped"
baisically, i softened him up after you tried to make him feel dumb