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Everything posted by phil

  1. its not a honda, and its not an auto.
  2. its not a top secret, the deal just isnt done yet. when its complete i will stomp some asses. either way the lt1 will beat the shit out of the p.a and a few other people on this board.
  3. more mouth less hands, you should know by now
  4. ill take the impala, lt1 for lt1, my gf will be driving the lt1, ill be dragging my new toy in:p
  5. i still havent got a resume
  6. oh noes, you do, but you wont want none either jkjk, ill still have it, but the $ car is on its way
  7. its a mustang so its slow, but the turbo may help a lil, car looks good so welcome
  8. that was 3/4s lol what did you get up to 20mph? my 92 rodeo with 192k mi is faster than that thing. mark me down, bring my $ while your at it. cause im working on somthing right now thats going to leave you sitting at the starting line when i take off.
  9. you dont wanna do that. you will lose $100 faster than you you can make it.
  10. i wasnt complementing you, i was making fun of your ass.i dont care who has the worlds fastest senior citizen mobile, the fact that you think people try to race you is funny, ive ridden with you. its peddle to the floor no matter what, they prolly thought you were trying to race them. point of the matter is, your rant is about the worst one ever, and you should never post about your car, ever again.
  11. email me a resumei will try to get you on somewhere
  12. you rock a sentra shut your mouth
  13. scott sent that, not me. you replied back
  14. you think soccer is more manly than football. they have proffesional womens soccer, they dont have proffesional womens football.(that anyone has ever attended)
  15. soccer is ghey!/ thread you fucked it up :gtfo:
  16. i thought we were friends:(
  17. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dragtimes.com/images/15103-1998-Buick-Park-Avenue.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dragtimes.com/Buick-Park-Avenue-Timeslip-15103.html&usg=__OmRrHL5kwy1autTQ9KTVXuDw-RY=&h=1704&w=2272&sz=251&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=AW1QBLNQ3eo-0M:&tbnh=112&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfast%2Bpark%2Bavenue%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:*:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7DKUS%26sa%3DN you own the fastest p.a in the world? omg thats the funniest shit ive ever heard in my life. you are such a corn ball, you have the only p.a that has probably ever been to the track, then had the nerve to post it on the net. you loser, there isnt even an analogy for this.
  18. completly random pick but funny
  19. but his is s.c and its tuned by INTENSE, he would walk you
  20. putting up $100/ and your memebership to cr right now cause your park avenue is so fast he can barley keep the wheel chair strapped down
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