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Posts posted by Warlock

  1. no worries i scored an 88 :D

    64/400...we'll have to work on that. But like Recon I am a little (LOT) older and have the advantage of an education before they dumbed it down. I know we have a Constitution that is supposed to be the supreme basis of all our laws and has been blatantly disregarded since the days of FDR (and before to a lesser extent) and his threat to stack the supreme court so he could get his way.

    I have a very simple stand of all of this and therefore don't argue semantics. It is ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Article 1 Section 8 lays it out and no where in there is anything about health care or any of the numerous other things the Congress has shackled us with.

  2. I have no problem with Muslims, or the Islamic religion, any more than any other. It's the extremists that mess it all up, even for Christianity!

    What he said. However I will expand that and say extremist in any faction, religion, politics, the environment, etc. etc...

  3. As much as some people would love to see the Motor Company go under, it just is not going to happen in this lifetime. 10 years from now Recon will still be the only old guy thats not on a Harley:)

    Recon won't be the only one. I won't either unless someone gives it to me. I'll stick with my couch on wheels.

  4. Shouldn't this title be "Man with no arms shoots .45"? I read it as a guy that didn't have a weapon shot a .45 and was like :wtf:

    Well, technically :rolleyes: since a .45 is an arm...He can neither be "unarmed" or be in possession of "no arms."

    • Upvote 1
  5. Ok, I know I'm a newb here but (as a geek) the .net is technically more correct and .org would be even more so. The domain extensions (.com .net. .org, etc) mean something...or used to. .net was an informational domain. .com was a commercial enterprise that was engaged in selling over the web. An org is an Organization.

    Anyway, I like the ORDN thing too.

  6. 3/4 cage...lol. Tis true I suppose. My ride in this morning was great. Yesterday it was flat out raining and since I work in an office I don't particularly care to get to work wet. I don't mind riding home in the rain. Also, I have ridden thru/with two tornados and have learned I don't need to do that regular...lol. When a Wing changes lanes and you didn't ask it to, its time to park and wait it out...lol.

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