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Posts posted by eggs

  1. I shot @ New Albany last year it wasn't too bad, You do have to watch a 10 minute safety video and I believe if you dont have the right kind of casing on your ammo you will have to buy theirs. Steel casings are not allowed.

  2. A guy over on Reddit had tickets to a big sporting event but at the last minute couldn't go, so he sold them on eBay for $600. The event was in less than 24 hours and when he contacted the winning bidder after they didn't pay for a while, the woman told him that her husband had said that it was too much money and wouldn't let her go. Never mind that winning an eBay bid is a binding contract and now the guy has little chance of selling the tickets. So he concocted a fiendish scheme to trick her into paying.

    What he did is email her from a different email address and say hey, I saw you won those tickets, I'd really like to go, can I buy them from you for $1,000? She agreed, and lo and behold, she contacts him as the original seller and says "oops, changed my mind, I want to pay for those after all." He brings her the tickets, collects the money, and then goes home and has his sockpuppet bidder back out of the deal with her.

    Unethical? Illegal? An eBay bid is a binding contract. An email is not.

    What do you think?

    Here is a link to the original story

  3. Congrats on your purchase.

    Couple quick tips:

    I belive the hi-points are of the blowback design, which is great in it's simplicity and operation. But because of the heavy slide sometimes you will get an unbalanced muzzle flip, so to offset this make sure you have a good grip on the firearm when you shoot it. Google "limpwristing"

    It might also be a good idea to make sure it is properly cleaned & lubed up before you shoot it, It will help you get more familiar with your firearm as well.

    But it's up to you. I tend take my new guys apart and re oil everything before I shoot it, especially in the colder weather.

    Concerning and oil/cleaning solution, I recommend gunzilla, I have used it with great success

    Where do you shoot?

  4. ^^its funny u say that. a few months ago i saw them at walmart and snatched them right up...but i was expecting them to be 38 specials...i didnt pay close enough attention. cant return ammo, so i sold them on here for like 10 bucks just to get something out of them. i should have just bought the gun earlier and kept the ammo

    Someone got a good deal ,I couple months ago I paid 25 for a box of 50 :mad:

    Yea .38's are expensive. but they are cheaper than 357 :cool:

  5. Nice lil pocket one, they are great lil CC guns and it seems that .380ammo is becoming more readily available i saw white box winchester at wally world 23/Lewis center for $31 100 rounds.

    the pinky extension makes a world of difference. The sight are also non existent I have heard of others using a lil paint to help.

  6. <object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz7_3n7xyDg&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz7_3n7xyDg&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>

  7. You guys need to remember it's a MOVIE. Movies are fictional and for entertainment purposes only. You remember that and life becomes much easier for you.

    Good point I had to remind my self of that while watching SALT recently. Once i came to grips that stuff was way over the top..i enjoyed it better

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