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Everything posted by Sixgun
Did it become Brunswick Hills on the 42 end of it? lived there from 1965-1978. I went to Applewood elementary, Brunswick Middle school and would have went to Brunswick High school had I not have moved. Had a Brunswick address... What are you the Mayor?
I grew up in Brunswick on Sleepy Hollow road, and now live live in Grove City also known as Grovetucky...lol I don't have a problem at all with the sign, and I'm not a big believer in God. but don't have big problem with others opinions, or prayers, or Christmas displays. I'm never seen the "seperation of Church and State" in the constitution. Live and let live.
It was a feel good vote. No one I know hates Police officers, firefighters, teachers, etc. To the Victors (with senority) go the spoils! To those junior employees go the pink slips. Similar results down here on most all the local tax levys and income taxes. That pay the above folks...Sad.
SW needs subs every day. The retired principal across the street subs whenever she wants. Good Luck.
A couple of questions and points for our Firefighters: So once your contract is ratified for what ever amount of time, what does your Union do for you and who do they spend there time protecting? be honest... FF's work two jobs because they want to or need to? Side note I saw a new f-250 ford with a "Vote no on two FF" bumpersticker pulling a 30 foot RV. I don't say he shouldn't have it..I'm just noting it. Same day the local commercial landscaper is wearing his FF T-shirt. Again it's cool he has a side job, but does he have to have it, or because the time off affords it to him? The GC fire departments are imaculate, but while I was doing a Scout tour some of the guys were installing a supercharger on a FF's truck in one of the bays. Again a great job if you can get it. My next store neighbor is a CMH officer with a vote no sign in his yard. His wife is a nurse. He has several rental properties and does very well (which is cool). My wife teaches, every time there is a school levy. he and his wife vote no and tell us that teachers are paid two much (requires a masters, or did), get two much time off , and you can't get rid of bad teachers, etc. etc. You guys have a tuff job and I respect you all. But it's one of those don't piss on my shoes and tell me it's raining moments. The public image isn't working. I wish everyone to acheive the American dream through individual acheivement. Just my .02
She should get into the Southwestern City schools as a Sub. It can lead to "ins" with principals. Long term subbing for maternity leave. That's how my wife got in when we moved here. I'm sure others large schools have like stories, Columbus would be hard because of all the lay offs.
If you look hard I think you can answer your own question. Maybe the lack of jobs and amount of taxes have something to do with it? Supply (taxes) and demand (Union wages and benifits)= Less Union workers. Which won't effect those with senority...If I'm bound to pay 10 people $$$$ and I only have $$, I can only afford $$=5. Wait and see the "middle class" folks who vote for this...then have to vote for the levy's to pay for it! The people of Ohio stand with the "Middle class" workers. "What...wait...we have to pay?"...I thought the evil goverment was just hoarding this money to pay the governors advisors more!!!!
Interesting story:http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-26/nurse-making-269-810-demonstrates-california-s-overtime-binge.html Never happen here lol. The FF here should be ticked...are the fires tuffer in California?
Or Chillichothe, they closed an entire fire station. However, the re opened it with Federal money, where does that stuff come from.... Hmmmmm? Luckly then can print more....
It will pass, and more layoffs will result. What till you go back and ask for tax increases...
Watched the video...demonstrating other goverment waste and abuse does nothing to bolster the firefighters case. No one I know in the civilian sector gets comp days, sick days, and vacation days like those of goverment employee Unions, (My wife included). Ask the civilian Union members here and elsewhere how their benefits compare. Less then honest folks will say good for them "get all you can from the man (taxpayers)". Yet they are quick to point out others taking advantage, which I noticed all the examples were Republicains...hmmmm? I also like how he seperated all the groups. If they opted FF's out of this do you believe they would stand with the other public employee unions?
Mis-information on both sides...adds are made for "sheeple". You can fix "stupid" with education, but senority doesn't require that.
"btw, lots of FMLA is unpaid." Yep, that's what floored me when I asked how they could afford to do it? Mom first then Dad when she was done...Bonding time. Dad just worked really hard at his second job for six weeks. Mommy also got out of 6 weeks of child care...Which is very European of US...how's that working for them?
Thanks, does this include 401K matches, medical insurance, etc? OT is still less expensive, your typically paying the wages (only) of half another employee. How many people here get 80% of their wages if they take FMLA leave? My brother in law and sister both work for the state. One is a trooper, one works for DPS. Both take 12 weeks after the birth of each of their 4 kids. 96 weeks of 80% pay for someone else to do your job? Where do these extra people come from?...I know, don't hate the playa, hate the game! I know there are some of you public service employees who don't get that going WTF? Most of you are just looking at this from your frame of reference. Which I understand.
There are typically 2/3'rds the cost beyond salary considerations with taxes, insurance, and other benefits that people don't usally consider part of their salary (Someone with a small business, or HR chime in). Minimum (or any) wage is not the only consideration. OT can be managed...But once you add personal you own all the additional costs. If you lay them off your paying there un employement insurance even though they do nothing for you.
My wife teaches in the Southwestern city schools...her vote will cancel out mine. 343-overtime is always cheaper then salaries and benefits for additional workers, always. Love the ads saying how they if they cannot bargain for enough fire fighters, it could delay response time. Why? No one can drive the truck? Tell that to Chillichothe and Lancaster FF's and Police officers who got laid off and fire stations closed because the city could not pay all the wages and benefits and closed entire stations. Great if you have senority. If we cannot afford to pay them, people will loose there jobs. It sucks, but it's reality. But my opinions only add up to one vote.
Someone has to maintain the power grid for the phones to work....ride a triumph chopper, open top jeep? The survivors are so ate up you'd think they were 99%ers.
I posted that about two weeks ago, reference the "no need" for a gun in a restaurant.
Hope you never get sued for wrongful death Charles Bronson;) PS. I've just realized not many on this board will get that reference. Suffice to say, your words could come back to surprise you. Just saying.
The lady that runs the local place I have lunch at every day said "People should be allowed to own hand guns. But I don't see a need to own those semi-automatic ones. They should be banned". I tried to explain that most anything short of a muzzle loading pistol was a semi auto...Then I explained how her not knowing the definition made her a danger to gun rights as a voter. Then she asked me "well what about assault weapons?" I responded "You mean ...SCARY GUNS". It went down hill from there...Those who don't excercise there rights are a danger to others who do. My .02
Fisrt one burnt at a tire fire is going to freak people out...CALL THE HAZ-MAT TEAM!!!!
Dubguy the issue is your mandating (like minded people then legislate them) your beliefs on others. That's why people feel so strongly. No different then the "I don't need an scary gun (assault weapon), so you don't need one either. Curious, how do you feel about smoking in bars and eating establishments?
You never know when you'll need it. Better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it. Just one example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIeyn0-rdx4 you really don't know who is carrying anyway and will continue to do so...
I have a CDL and lived in TN for 10 years...I'm not saying it's a bad idea, just playing devils advocate. With the love (sarcastic) by the majority for LEO's, rules, and law on this board. I see this as odd...But I also realize this is a 2 wheel forum. So if they happen to put more THP on the road to enforce this law (we like) and they happen to bust more riders for speeding, equipment inspection stops (2 wheel only) and improper lane usage?...Carefull what you ask for.... So would this ban only be during riding season? Several times a year they should close it off like Pikes Peak and do times trials. That would bring in a lot of dollars. Just shooting the shit, not trying to stir it.
Always a good one for those at the tip. http://www.specialops.org/