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Everything posted by zx3vfr

  1. https://firearmpros.com/masterlock-trig-lock-combination.html?utm_source=google_shopping&gclid=Cj0KEQiArK6lBRC5-_jv48uxgrgBEiQAuxdZ9QajH1DKwbg2xG1xxyuLjPCUpeeviVgbAxgvwMzXitcaAjTO8P8HAQ
  2. i lock my doors to keep the honest people out. I probably will keep doing what I'm doing. Bedside gun, which by the way I never even said what it was and CCW gun which does get locked up at night. All my other firearms are locked in a locker in the basement. The only gun that stays out is a shot gun, which yes I know goes against what I said before but I have systems and objects in place not to shoot towards my daughters room. There is no penetration through other dry wall I am worried about the way the house is set up. And I always said, I'd someone wants to sue me, I'll be happy to hand over all my debt to them
  3. Ehh, let's ask Magdor. Oh wait I'll answer in his absence. Let's just sue the gun manufacturer.
  4. I will know later this week. Blood pressure was way down though. I use to be high 140s over 90 I was 125/80 yesterday.
  5. I eat tons of saturated fat. I limit my carbs to about 150 grams a day which is tons of veggies. I ocassionaly eat rice or oats or corn but usually feel pretty lousy after I do. My normal day consists of Breakfast - 4 strips of bacon 2 fried eggs. 1/2 an onion and a whole bell pepper fried in bacon grease or coconut oil. Lunch - 1 cup of full fat yogurt, spinach and carrot salad with olive oil and vinegar and nuts or seeds of some sort. Dinner - meat and broccoli, green beans or cabbage, and a sweet potato about once a week. Snack - 2 squares of 85% or higher Dark chocolate. If I'm eating out I always 86 any bread and ask for broccoli instead of startch. My usual go to meal out is chipolte. Salad bowl no rice no beans no dressing, half chicken half steak. Pico red and green. Cheese, sour cream and guac. It's about 900 calories and only 18 grams of carbs. Plenty of fat and plenty of protein
  6. If someone wants your guns they will take them locked in a liberty safe or a cheapo Walmart safe.
  7. I never understood bedside safes. It only keeps the honest people out and slows you down. If you're worried about your kids playing with it, you have failed to demonstrate what a firearm can do. My dad told me that I was never to touch his firearms unless I asked for permission and he handed it to me. He then proceeded to shoot something, I think it was a melon but may have been a dead racoon to show me what happened,with no ear protection do either of us and the noise alone probably kept me from touching them. My daughter is to young to understand but everything is out of reach of little hands but as soon as she is old enough, I'll do the same thing my dad did.
  8. Well when cutting out sodium laden soda and crisps by going low carb, its a side effect.
  9. . http://how-i-did-it.org/drywall/results.html For ADD scroll down to summary.
  10. That happened to me in September. I was 185 at the bgining of the day and after a 60 mile round trip bike from Akron to Tremont I had lost 8 lbs. I thought I had stayed hydrated enough but 2 days later I was back where I was.
  11. Had to turn it off at assault rifle, first assault rifles are hard to get. By definition it is a select fire weapon. At least he got the terminology right and didn't say assault weapon. A 223 is much less likely to go through dry wall than 12ga with buck shot or a hand gun. Because the bullet is so light and designed to tumble when hitting an object. A 14.5" ar 15 patterned rifle with a pined flash hider or even suppressed is the ideal HD gun. That or a large caliber handgun with a suppressor loaded with frangible ammo.
  12. And what is wrong with dropping excess body fluid? I lost 70lbs by cutting carbs.
  13. zx3vfr

    XDM 9mm

    He's going to have a hard time selling it at that price even with the holsters. They've been going for 329.99 new
  14. Cut out all breads and pastas for 30 days. You will loose 10lbs and more. I have not had any bread since July. And only pasta once. I do not miss it one bit.
  15. Middle of December I was 180, hitting a low of 177 the first week of December. I actually maintained 180 through thanksgiving and for a total of 2 whole months. I blew it at Christmas and was 190 on New Years day. After lots of walking and crab cutting and gallons of water in the past 3 days I've slipped back to 184 and by Monday the water weight should be off and I'll be back down to 180. Ultimate goal weight is still going to be 170-175 maintained. Not sure what I'm going to do for lifting but I do know my joints are not going to put up with free weights and I don't have time for a gym membership, so I think I'm going to go back to the good old door gym bands in pulley system I used a few years back. Keep I I hd I was 250 and fat as could be at the beginning of summer in 2014 and even if I don't keep up I refuse to go above 200 again. Simply for the fact how much fucking faster I was on a 650 twin being 70# lighter.
  16. i was tired, much moonshine was consumed the eve prior.
  17. I dunno it was fairly boring to me. I fell asleep before the 1st quarter was over.
  18. No. Its the sudden stop shifting organs, organs being crushed, organs being sliced open from debris or blood loss that kills...not speed dumbass
  19. I didn't get a gun but I got a bow. Sadly its being restrung right now and I won't be goose hunting until the 14th
  20. Probably has sand in her vajajay
  21. The Jew runs deep with this one.
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