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Posts posted by Kent2406

  1. Wish i could gain a little I've been 130 since i was 16 and I'm 23 now, i can eat all day and not gain a pound.

    I was like this for the longest time. Weighed no more than 150 lbs until my mid 30s, then all hell broke loose. 41 now and can't seem to get under 200lbs. Hover right around 205, give or take a few.

  2. Ah yes, the B1 Bomber! I was stationed at Grand Forks A.F.B. from 90-93. Saw my share of these taking off and landing. Nothing like seeing the after-burners from one of these at night! I was actually part of the history making event at G.F.A.F.B. of removing all B1s from nuclear standby. I was an AMMO troop, and actually had the opportunity to touch every type of nuclear warhead, the military had of the time.

    On a side note, my cousin Brian Wallace, who grew up in the tiny little town of Deersville, OH, flew one of 3 flights from the Time-To-Climb record breaking events held April 29, 30 and May 1, 2010. http://www.dyess.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123203104

  3. SERIOUSLY? :wtf: I travel allot, and sometimes not in the best part of towns "where murders, pandering, homicides, and drug deals do in fact go down." And people get robbed, shot or assaulted in places like restaurants, churches, parking lots, parks, gas stations, "schools" walking down the street....etc. Watching the ID channel you will see all the murders that have occurred with people just hiking or taking a damn walk. What about all the attempted and rapes on women? This occurs every single day, and not always in the big cities either. There are statistics for a reason, that is why they are called statistics. And not all have a gun, many times a knife is the weapon of choice. And I would just love to see you defend yourself from a meth-head crack addict with a knife.

    It's okay, none of this ever happens in Ashtubula County, and he never leaves the county. :rolleyes:

  4. Overlooked? Nah...

    If gun deaths are so few and far between, why do you need one? (unless you're a ghetto drug dealer trying to protect your stash?) Furthermore why would you need a gun designed to kill lots and lots of people very quickly? (as opposed to a 2 or 6 shot gun)

    Here you go, please watch. I posted this in another thread. At the end is a very good axample as to why we should have the right to have 1, or 10, 20, or however many I wish to own. Is it common for riots or life threatening situations to accur that would require one or many? Nope. Is it it possible? You damn right it's possible. I hope you never find yourself in that situation, but what are you going to do if you do? Talk your way out of it?

  5. I was just thinking, and now I'm curious what others think.

    Do you suppose there could ever be another situation in this country, that would actually bring on another civil war?

    I'm not talking about a small percentage of individuals who are rebelious. I mean a full on, across the country war.

    And since guns are the hot topic of late, let's use it as the example for the cause.

    Hypothetically, if the government was seriously motivated, and ever got to the point where they wanted to remove the 2nd amendment, could there and would there be enough people to stand up and fight it?

    Do you think enough people could set aside their lives and way of living, or worse yet, willing to lose their lives, to put forth the effort needed to prevent such a thing from happening?

    I honestly don't believe there would be. Currently, I think the government could get rid of the 2nd amendment if it really wanted to, cause people have gotten so accustomed to the life style that is offered, and the easy way of life we have. We're not hardened like people were in the 1800's or before, and I'm not sure people would have the courage to stand up. I would sure like to hope I'm wrong.

  6. He isnt blaming the drugs, he's blaming how they are prescribed which goes back to...wait for it.....blaming people!

    That was in reference to post #6. All those people on that list probably already had mental issues before the drug prescriptions, hense, why they were prescribed. The list is written in a way that makes it look like it's the drugs that caused them to do whatever it was they did.

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