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Posts posted by Kent2406

  1. Just finished season 2 last night.

    My only disappointment in the series so far, is they don't tell ya the brands of weapons they carry. I really want to know where I can get my hands on these guns that hold an endless supply of ammo! I swear, the shotguns must hold 50 rounds each!

    Love this show! Can't wait to start watching this season!

  2. Watched the 1st season on Netflix need to watch the 2nd!

    Same here, except I downloaded the episodes (no commercials) to the computer and watching them through the PS3.

    Finished season 1 lastnight, starting season 2 tonight. Pretty good show. Can't believe I never watched it before.

  3. can you give me any explanation as to why you're a tinfoil hat brigade member for all of the wings of government aside from the one with all the weapons?:confused:

    I don't know what a "tinfoil hat brigade member" is, but most government officials are egotistical, looking to gain power, and money. And the so called weapons hoarders, do it to serve their country and to protect it's citizens.

  4. Is it even a street legal bike? I don't know my dirt bikes, but sure looks like an off road vehicle. So if he wants to go on whining about how he wouldn't have hit the truck cause it wasn't supposed to be there, should he also not be there? Again, I don't know my dirt bikes, but it sure as hell didn't look like a street bike with lights, mirrors, and a license plate.

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