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Posts posted by crb

  1. I used almost 10 gigs last month, but then i like to wi-fi tether my droid to my laptop so i'm not using the company network for my personal web browsing on lunch and break.

    i also use the wi-fi tether on the run, travelling, road trips, etc...

    I sometimes tether my phone to my laptop but I find I can do most anything on my HTC lightening bolt. I used to have a droid.

  2. points points and more points, I speed most of the time, and I never run from the cops (on purpose). I get at LEAST 1 speeder per year, sometimes as many as 3 before i start getting nervous and backing off a bit.

    A 97 (read carbed) 600 is a wee bit different than an '01 1100XX; Geico seemed to think my bike was more than a little on the fast and dangerous side. Add that to me being <25 at the time of the quote and I said "screw that business"

    haven't rteally looked into it lately, it might have gone down, but the way i see it, if i crash because of my own stupidity, then it's my own fault. If someone else hits me, they can buy me a new bike.

    You an sue them for a new bike and if they are broke you will get nothing, more than likely they will just file bankruptcy if it is too much. My vehicles are worth the extra coverage!

  3. no I'm quite happy with what I have now, I've paid just north of $400 in insurance for my motorcycle so far. (min req'd liability only) had I carried full coverage, I'd have paid over $10,000 on a bike that's probably worth 1/3 of that now. doesn't make any sense, I don't get any of that money back if something DOESN'T happen, so the way I see it I'm $9,600 richer (less in debt) than I would have been otherwise.

    What the hell! How many points do you have on your license? I pay $180.00 a year for full coverage on a 97 CBR 600 F3! Maxed out like my cars!

    Someone is dicking you over if you don't have any points!

    Agreed on the dicking! Wife and I just switched to allstate for the bike's 300/100/300 just like auto both bikes 269.25 a year for full coverage!

  4. No if you think Bush ran up the debt, what the heck has the savior Barrrack HUSSEIN Obama done?

    Borrow Borrow Borrow

    Spend Spend Spend

    Violate the constitution by signing OBAMA CARE!

    FYI I was not a Bush fan although I dearly miss him since we have a COMMUNIST in the office now!

  5. Yeah, bout freaking time!

    No offense but all of the other ones are junk... I have all of them.. The steel hot lips or steel lips is about the only ones worth anything and they are garbage after 20-30 uses too. If this is designed to work like the original 10 rnd mag, it should last. Its not the mag itself its the feed lip and angle.

    I've had the same problem.

  6. The state, counties, cities, municipalities, etc are low on funds its expected. Either pay it or fight it good luck if he fights it. Select.ding on how much the ticket is it may be worthwhile to pay it. Are seatbelt tickets moving violations in Ohio?

  7. Time to buy more oil stock, will the profit from that offset the extra money we're paying at the pump? GE is not the government’s pet corporation they are just like any corporation or small business and are carrying loss into the next year. I have done this, am I a pet government company? Having distain for the current administration is understandable but have a better understanding about what you are complaining about or you risk losing credibility when you have real standing.

    I have an understanding did you receive no bid contracts?

    GE healthymagination did as part of Obama care.

    Did you get stimulus money when you were not a deposit institution as GE capital did?



  8. Okay what am I missing? Exxon mobile made a profit of 8 cents per gallon of refined product the national average for tax on gasoline is 37 cents. So where is the conspiracy? No conspiracy just stating fact! if we are talking record profits then let us look no further than government. HMMMM. 37 cpg vs. 8cpg? Who is making record profits.

    C- for effort LOL!!!

    You can't argue FACT!

  9. Having a discussion with a 1911 fan boy is like having a discussion with a democrat. They like to divert the discussion to irrelevant topics to help support their assumptions. I have watched many debates on this topic and should have known better than to get started with a discussion. I carried a 1911 for four years as a duty weapon and would never think of carrying one today because of the superior options we have available to us now. In fact if revolvers had more capacity than a 1911 in the same size package I would choose that option over the 1911. If government usage is a marker for a great platform why haven’t you 1911 fan boys switched over to the M9s? Don’t answer that it is a rhetorical question.

    I carry the emp because the wife bought it for me, I really wanted an xd45 compact or a 40 subcompact. The shop got this gun in from an estate at a great price so she got it. I am not sold on 1911 as the only option. I don't use my emp for my night stand gun because in the middle of the night I don't want to have the safety to fiddle with when I am half asleep. I keep the xdm 40 on the nightstand and a remington 12 gauge next to it. The wifes Sig Pro is in the jewelry drawer and her 12 gauge is in the bedroom closet overhead! Currently my new FNH FNP 45 is between the nighstand and bed in its case because I was playing with it.

    My house is the last place a criminal wants to break into LOL!

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