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Everything posted by motozachl

  1. I used to work sorting/loading. Most likely got sent to a wrong truck, that job is rough and have to memorize hundreds of zip codes.
  2. egokiller those conversions are sweet, probably feel like shooting airsoft guns though I imagine. OP get a 15-22 and you won't want to sell it
  3. This. You will shoot yourself by the end of day 1
  4. Autozone fired him because he's too good for them. They only hire know nothing delinquents
  5. Point taken. It just seems that all this preparations talk, zombies, taking away guns, attacks, end of world movies & jargon around me it kinda gets shoved down my throat. Some small planning for such an event is smart however many take it way overboard. Perhaps its just my state of mind as well but if the world gets into some of these situations, it just doesn't seem worth living in many of them. The constant state of fear, hunting & gathering daily just to live plus add on the chaos of everyone else doing the same doesn't sound to enjoyable.
  6. Riddle me this: so what did cowboys and pioneers bring? I don't see them carrying around 75# massive packs on their backs with the doomsday paranoia. Just living was a basic everyday life
  7. motozachl

    walking dead

    I totally missed that
  8. motozachl

    Walking Dead

    wow those comics are brutal
  9. Haha I think all decorations are just clutter waste of time/$ Lol hear that on a daily basis in the sauna with the old farts
  10. Ditto. I have zero preparations for anything
  11. Ok I tried that and didn't change much at all. I am thinking its just the site now because some are fast while others are rather slow. Oh wells that's the price I pay for free tv
  12. I wonder if we will get our annual xmas bonus this year...
  13. motozachl

    walking dead

    Why did Rick just stand there after shooting that one guy at woodbury? I don't think it was a headshot so it might've been a poison to get some zombies within their walls...
  14. Looks like a great time! I only got to ride about half hour but did take the mtn bike out for near 4 hours though
  15. Tell her you'll go IF you guys can take the bike. Compromises.
  16. Hope it don't catch fire
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