I have some 4gb ECC that came out of a couple Dell Poweredge 2970's not sure what type it is. I upgraded from 32 to 64gb in March of this year and cant remember what type. I just left work and seen this when i got home but I can get it to you if you can use it. I think I have 4x 4gb and 4x 2gb ECC memory. Post back if you think it will work and I'll pick it up in tomorrow AM and get it to you some how.
I'm trying to get out sometime this weekend and do some miles. I'll keep checking back and see how this is shaping up and what days you might ride and times. Sounds good so far....
Man I'm jealous my first supercar was a Canary yellow 73 ford Pinto and I was doing 75 + miles per hour with 6 people in the car as fast we could get that thing to go everywhere we went. Bad move on those youngsters part but most of us all done some dumb things in our younger years.
A couple of buddies and I rode up to Sandusky this past weekend and we seen a border patrol SUV out in front of big O's bar and grill around 1am in the morning. I thought it was strange that they would be out and in the middle of Sandusky at the time.
Dropping the speed limit for 2 additional miles on a dangerous curve that many tractor trailers have crashed on in my opinion is a good idea. Its only two miles from the split. Most of the crashes were after rush hour/night.
I have this movie on DVD and It just so happens to be playing on showtime or HBO this month..... It was on last night..... Check it out if you havent seen it.
Only thing that makes any since is cooling.... Not much in weight savings & looks. The RAM air intakes on most bikes are sufficient for cooling, has to be for cooling or looks. But it doesn’t enhance either in my opinion.
Just went through this same thing.... With my daughter having getting hit in my truck the other day... 15 different phone calls from 8:10 to 10:00am. I think 10tv just did a story on this also... They have been ignoring the do not call list. Just went through this same thing.... With my daughter having getting hit in my truck they other day... 15 different phone calls from 8:10 to 10:00am. I think 10tv just did a story on this also... They have been ignoring the do not call list.