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Everything posted by snot

  1. We designed our and had a local print shop do them. It wasnt cheap and they are long gone. But the quality was great. Kinkos might be expensive but at least it would be done right.
  2. I can say I have never been ask for my ID by an officer with out a good reason.
  3. I would too. I use it at work, when I need to focus or when I get stressed out I just turn it up. The songs with lots of fast guitar and drums work best for me.
  4. That was all quoted from the story. Question: some one else complained, doesn't that give the officer a reason to investigate the situation and question the person? For the safety of others? ... just a question... I haven't found anything stating they can or can not.
  5. I would show my ID if an officer asked anytime. I may disagree and ask questions about what they are doing but I would not give them a reason to delay me any longer. I do know my rights and I will protect them but there is a time and place. If someone calls the police and is concern the police should check it out. they should not violate anyone's rights in the process.
  6. In this particularly case the officer did have a reason to stop him: “Given the time of the day, the location, and the fact that convenience store/gas stations are typical targets for robberies in the middle of the night,” Reiss said. “It would seem reasonable in the eyes of a police officer to ask someone who was carrying a gun if it was legally permissible for them to do so.” Police reports show a citizen at the Speedway at 3201 Valley Pike was concerned that a man had a gun in the open and told Riverside police Sgt. Harold Jones, who motioned to Call to come outside.
  7. snot

    I'm Back!!!

    Let us know when you back and we can get a group ride together. Sorry to hear about the SV, but I know you always wear gear (glad your OK).
  8. I bet over half the riders were;)
  9. I have no issue with open carry. If this guy would if answered a couple of questions and shown ID this wouldn't of been an issue. The officer does have a right to ask questions for public safety. No you don't have to answer but there is no reason to be a dick if you truly care about gun rights.
  10. They are not our servants, they chose to defend innocence people. They are providing a service to protect each of us, so if 1 person is concerned about their safety it is the officers job to make sure there is no threat. I am very bias, my uncle is a Dayton officer.
  11. No, but you do need to take in consideration of where you chose to OC. Walking around a high crime area at 4 am will draw attention. The person in the gas station was concerned about there own safety and did what they thought was right. He has a license to conceal carry, so do just that. Due to the time of day and the area the police reacted in a way to protect themselves and others. The guy was not breaking a law but was not cooperating to resolve the situation quickly either. I was told during my class to always catty ID no matter how I chose to carry. This is so if there ever is a situation I could prove I was legal (speeds things up a bit).
  12. A concern call was made, doesn't have to be a crime. Had they not of asked questions and something happen this story would be about a crime that could of been prevented. Damded if the do damded if they don't kind a thing.
  13. All he had to do was cooperate. Its the police job to investigate, make sure laws are followed and there is no danger to others. You need to consider "what if". They don't know his intension and they must assume the worst. This is only my opinion...
  14. But you have to cooperate and you should consider the area your in. The police don't mess around in riverside or Dayton, high crime area and added risk to the job. Police (on duty) have to protect themselves and the public. I just do not mess with people that out gun me.
  15. And this is how and why more signs will go up that say no weapons allowed. Not cooperating makes the rest of us look bad.
  16. What did he show that was red? Yes hellmutt did get a bigger one from Alan than you got from him.
  17. snot

    Rare ride

    Need one late June too
  18. If anyone is in the area the reefer hut and 5 other bands are playing at Zs in Piqua.
  19. snot

    Please read!

    Reminder to all drink lots of water the day before, of, and after.
  20. He is making some for hellmutt too. He is good people and honest about what he can and can not do. +1 for quik
  21. snot

    Please read!

    I would if this was closer, I don't always do well so I have to be close to home. It is a great cause I hope you fill all the spots
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