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Everything posted by snot

  1. Rip to the rider. I believe in freedom and I enjoy having the freedom to make my own choices right or wrong. If you let the govt make laws that take away any of our freedom you open up a door for them to take all of our freedom... say what you wish because for now you can!
  2. Had a good fourth 1/2 the family made it to our gathering. We watched the fireworks from our house, they were ok. Very tired from all the early mornings and late nights!
  3. I think our tickets are for pit pass. But I know I will be prepared either way, I don't want to miss out on anything.
  4. snot

    from piqua

    I am still new riding but sometimes I do still ride the back seat for a fun ride with my hubby aka hellmutt.
  5. snot

    My hubby is hellmutt...

  6. It is stated in the info for pit pass access on the advance ticket info.
  7. Went all out for this one...taking my hubby as belated birthday gift. His bday was in march and we have never been. Can't wait! Suck can't ware shorts in the pit but it will be worth it!
  8. snot

    from piqua

    Been here for a bit. Thought I would go ahead and introduce myself. I live in piqua orginally from dayton. My first bike ride was when I was almost 3 with my dad on a honda 750. I did take the honda basic course a couple of yrs ago, but just got my 1st bike last fall...still learning. I will say, us ladies have the best of both worlds I can ride and I can go for a ride with my hubby.
  9. Maily german fathers been here since early 1800s. little indian, Bryds town tn is named after my moms side. Currently ride a suzuki in front and a zx1400 on the back and my hubby in between:D
  10. Unless its your wife that wants your biscuits:D
  11. I hope you feel better soon! I will keep you in my prayers.

  12. Should of went for the eyes not the mouth...
  13. Sorry to hear about your loss... mom lost hers a few yrs ago. Took it hard she did get her self another and it seams to have helped. Her baby was 4 died from eating peach seeds.
  14. snot

    kahr .40 compact

    Not much more than my .38 special revolver. I can handle recoil I just don't like a gun that jams easy
  15. 1. Married 2. Have a black cat 3.love to play 4.under 5ft 5. In 30s 6. Love old cars 7. worked at autoworks at 15 8. Been on bikes since age 2 9. Happy 10. Love my hubby
  16. snot

    kahr .40 compact

    Thoughts on 10mm? Settled for the .40 cw.
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