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Posts posted by snot

  1. I envy your ride when you got there but not the ride there or back. That had to be freezing!

    I had 5 layers on top and 3 below, my hands were the coldest. It was still cold through the layers as well. It took hours to warm up, it was worth it.

  2. I was considering going to the intermediate group myself, but i figured id stick with the group I road down with. I have an Idea....cruisers, baggers, and all harleys, in their own lol

    We were doing the same...wanted to stay with who we rode down with. We almost needed our own group since there were 8 of us.

  3. :( Pull my man card. I've kicked it around for the last 2 hours, but low temps and a long ride to get to possibly damp roads just isn't doing it for me.

    Snot and Hellmut. I'm down for meeting up with you two for a ride sometime when the weather is a little nicer. Thanks for the offer to ride newark.

    Hit us up anytime.

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