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Posts posted by snot

  1. Our employees do it often. Last time i was going in as popo pulled up. I explained i worked there and i was sure it was an employee and they left. I never showed my work id, or told them my name. They took my word! Guess it would depend on the cop and location

  2. My step mom overdosed on meds due to short term memory loss 12 yrs ago. It was due to a brain tumor the size of a grapefruit. She suffered 3rd degree burns on her head from radiation treatments after it was cut out. She has loss of short and long term memory,, drop foot, bowel issues, loss of muscle mass, and depression. She was out going had a bike loved out doors and travel. My dad takes care of her the best he can but he isnt very healthy. But he tries everyday to make her laugh and happy as he can. She uses a wheel chair ( can no longer hold her own weight with her legs) but still vets

    around some.

    Do not give up miracles happen everyday. Be glad he is still with you, his quality of life can still be great. You have to given into your feelings so you can heal too. My prayers are with each of you.

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