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Posts posted by snot

  1. Every officer that's pulled me over has been polite and just doing his job whether it was a deserving ticket or warning - give respect to get respect.

    To wish ill on some one for disrupting your day with regards to your safety is the furthest from mature posts I've seen on this board.

    + rep

    I couldn't of said it better. I have been pulled over many times and everytime I did break the law. Some officers are just more forgiving than others.

  2. Ill stop by after i hit the gym, should be there a little bit after 7pm, depending how my squats and deadlifts goes...

    Think I saw you at DQ but I don't think I saw you when we stopped.

    Oldschool-you know you'll see her again!

  3. picture.php?albumid=1446&pictureid=15875

    If it wasn't for oldschool taking the tail I would of been last, thanks to everyone for waiting at the stop signs. I had her wide open to catch up a few times. It was great meeting everyone (some again).

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