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Posts posted by NinjaN8

  1. There are a few forums that are saying this is fake. Some of the people are claiming to be Brandon, Mississippi police officers and they say this never happened...

    Looked this up on Snopes and TruthorFiction and I haven't seen anything on this story there yet...

    Who knows? It'd be really cool if it was real though!

  2. I don't see Trump as a realistic candidate... Of course, a lot of that is due to the "Daily Show" and the "Colbert Report" and the clips of his interviews they play. The best one was the interview with George Stephanapolous (sp?). If you haven't seen it, google that shit, it's pretty funny. I almost felt embarrassed for him...

    On another note; I don't think Obama has a snowball's chance in hell of winning re-election

  3. Well, it's still too early for me to decide, especially since he hasn't actually said he is going to run yet. However, after doing a little research, Ron Paul seems to actually be one of the few good ones out there. Unless someone better enters the picture, he gets my vote.

  4. The government announced today that it's changing it's emblem from the Bald Eagle to a condom because it more accurately reflects it's political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of dicks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed.

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  5. If you have any motorcycle experience at all avoid the MSF course. If you are brand new to the operation of a bike then it is a worth while endeavor. The more I hear about the MSF course the more I don't like it. I had done a lot of dirt bike riding before I got my first street bike and never took the course. I rode a lot of years with plenty of oh shit moments but still thinking I could ride. I didn't know anything about how to handle a bike until I did a few track days. I can't recommend them enough to new riders.

    Down here in Florida, the ONLY way to get your license is through taking the MSF Basic Rider Course. I didn't see anything wrong with what they are teaching and most insurance companies give you discounts for taking the course.

    I've also taken the MSF Military Sport Bike Rider course and I have to say that it taught me quite a bit. The course is definitely geared to a quicker pace and focuses on turning quite a bit.

    The Experienced Rider Course was kind of a let down though...

  6. I don't really have a specific goal in mind. I am definitely NOT looking for a black-belt factory if you take my meaning. When I was taking karate I didn't realize how lucky I was to be in a good school, until I moved away from home and found out that really good schools are few and far between.

    I guess I'm looking for an instructor who actually knows what they are doing and not just learning from a book or videos. (There are schools out there like that.) As a law enforcement officer I want to be able to defend myself and others when the fit hits the shan.

  7. It's kind of funny but, down here everyone encourages you to do track days as soon as you can. That way bad habits don't become ingrained in you. It seems to me it would be alot easier to learn the correct way of doing things right off the bat rather than unlearning what has become years of bad habits. Just my 2 cents.

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