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Posts posted by NinjaN8

  1. I'm looking for school's, dojo's, gym's in the Port Clinton, Sandusky area.

    I'm not really looking for any specific style though, I've got a pretty good base in Karate (2+ years of Shito-Ryu) and I would absolutely LOVE to learn aikido. Having said that, I really am open to learning other styles.

    I'd also like to find a place that would teach my kids (ages 8 and 12). They have a limited knowledge of Tae Kwon Do but, I'm not really impressed with what they've learned. It seems that instead of actually teaching much technique the instructors were just acting more like an after school care program.

    Anyhow, any help would be appreciated.

  2. Well, I have very limited experience with twisties of any kind. About the only thing I have down here is some high speed turns on the freeways. Anyways, when I first started riding I was having a hard time of making the bike go where I wanted it to. I was analyzing everything I was doing; body position, breaking, speed, handlebar inputs and I swear I was just making things worse.

    The problem, I discovered, was that I was over-thinking everything instead of just looking at where I wanted to go and letting it all happen naturally. So now I maintain a high alert while riding while not really focusing on the inputs to the bike, if that makes any sense... It's all kind of a Zen thing to me I guess.

  3. Can't keep me off the damn thing now. If my "errand" will fit in the bookbag, I'm twisting the throttle.


    I feel ya on that. I actually ended up buying some panniers to expand my errand running capability.

  4. I have a Ruger LCP and a Beretta PX4 Storm Subcompact (.40 cal). When I'm riding, there is nothing more comfortable than the LCP. Though, I am thinking about trying out Ruger's LC9 as I'd rather have something a little more powerful than a .380. The PX4 Storm is my fave though. I love that gun. Easy for me to shoot and accurate as hell. I've carried a 9mm Beretta M9 (I think that was the model) and currently carry a Sig Sauer P229 DAK .40 cal for work. I dig the Sig and that old Beretta we used to carry was one of the easiest, most accurate guns I've ever shot but, I wouldn't want either one for concealed carry as they are more bulky than I like for that.

  5. My first ride was scary as hell. I bought an '05 Ninja 250R from some kid 2 hours away from my house by way of the highways. Anyhow, it wasn't in the best condition and the only experience I had riding was completing the MSF Basic Rider course a month before. Anyhow, I figured that I would have plenty of time to ride back down to the keys before it got dark out so I started heading south on the side roads. Within the first 20 minutes I had run a stop light cause I was going too fast and if I had stopped I would have been in the middle of the intersection. About 5 minutes after that I learned that the cagers really don't see you as I was pushed out of my lane by a tow truck. I remember thinking "What the hell did I get myself into?".

    Anyways, after a few hours of driving through stop and go traffic and seeing that the sun was starting to go down I decided to hit the highway. I can still remember that blast of adrenaline as I hit that on-ramp... Anyhow I made it home without any further incident but, I had quite a few moments on the highway where the pucker-factor was through the roof.

  6. Don't know if this has been posted here before:

    Once upon a time a Prince asked a beautiful Princess to marry him. The Princess said "No!". And the prince lived happily, ever after and rode motorcycles and screwed skinny, big-titted broads, and hunted and raced cars and, went to strip clubs, and dated women half his age, and drank whiskey, and beer, and never got bitched at or had to pay child support or alimony and kept his house and guns, and never got cheated on while he was away at work, and all his friends and family thought that he was cool as hell, and he left the toilet seat up whenever he wanted...

    THE END.

    • Upvote 2
  7. Well as of right now, I am living in the Florida Keys but, I am getting stationed in Marblehead, Ohio. I'll be moving up that way this summer. I'm looking forward to finally hitting up some twisties and getting some elevation changes. Everything down here is all flat and straight. I ain't looking forward to the winters up there though. I grew up in Pennsylvania but, spent a few years living in Columbus so, I have a vague recollection of snow...

    I've been riding for about 2 years now. Started off on an '05 Ninja 250R. I rode that for a year and traded up for an '08 Ninja 650R. I'm an ATGATT sort of rider... That's all I can think of for now.

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