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Posts posted by gidet

  1. It has been super nice, minus the random rain last night. I think it's suppose to be nice all week so that's a plus.

    It's always good to remember that there are people fighting for us and for those that fought for us in the past. Even though you get these people that say the war is bad and don't support our troops... I just don't understand their logic.

    But on a lighter note....

    Hope you have a nice tomorrow! :D

  2. There are some things in the document that I disagree with for sure.

    I dislike how teachers can't negotiate their class sizes... A large class is not the environment that a budding student should be a part of. Smaller class sizes are needed because they kind of give a more one on one feel.

    (I think this deals with classes like English or something not the graduating class)

    I also dislike how teachers salaries are determined by test scores. Test scores really don't mean shit. I hated being told I had to do well on the SATs and the Ohio-whatever-that-test-is-called-that-you-take-as-a-sophomore-in-high-school-now. We would basically just study the material that was suppose to be on these tests for years and I felt like I really didn't learn anything because it was just felt like "cramming". Even thought cramming may not be the correct term it's the closest I can think of being described as.

    So I guess basically I don't support this bill because when it deals with teachers since a teacher really has to do their job otherwise they lose their license. As for the government employees I haven't gotten that far yet. But if I don't agree with one part then I can't "like" the bill. Maybe I'm not grasping it all the way... It's like 200+ long and I've read articles about it and read some of the bill but, that's about it. I maybe contradicting myself but I think I was more pointing towards the auto industry unions. But I still think my example of the school group work assignment still stands.

    Uhhhhh... I hope this makes sense. :-s

  3. thats a big IF.

    I know it's a big if, that's why I put it there. Not all companies are as legit as mine. For example I got hurt at work, got paid leave, hand therapy and all that jazz and didn't have to pay for a thing and got to come back to my job no problem.

    She's young... has lots of learnin' left to do. :)

    I know I just turned 20 years old but I've been working since I was younger as a dishwasher and I'd like to think through all of my experiences with "lyfe" I have a slight grasp on things going on. I know I have a lot to learn but I still think unions are not fair (see: school example in previous post) But I don't want to start a "fight" about this so I'll just take that comment which I don't think was meant to be offensive at all.

    It's just my opinion that's all. I'm not trying to rub anyone the wrong way.

  4. I work in a factory that makes seats for Honda and we aren't union. They give us raises every once in a while, shut down pay, and everything that unions get, but like I said, we are NOT union. If we have a problem with the company we are encouraged to bring it up so we can make our work environment better for everyone. Unions are pointless now a days if you work for an outstanding company that knows what the hell they are doing.

    Edit: As for government workers why shouldn't they be able to to this too? I agree with Casper.. if you do your job right despite what you're doing you should be rewarded for it but if you don't do anything and expect to be paid the same as the hard working employee it's wrong. This kind of reminds me of school projects where you're assigned to a group of four people and you end up doing all the work but they get the same grade as you, it's not fair and should be changed. Hopefully I'm getting this subject enough otherwise I'll just look like an ass.

  5. Thank you everyone for your inputs and recommendations.

    Really it comes down to cost and availability. Rotella is cheap, and works reasonably well, and Autozone has Valvoline motorcycle oil on sale until the 30th of May for $1.99 a bottle.

    Thanks, I'm always looking for a sale/deal! :p

    I'll have to make a stop to Autozone tomorrow to check out their wares and maybe stock up because it's so cheap.

    Have fun learning to work on your bike, it will make you a happier owner.

    Learning how to do an oil change and change the filter is just a start. I will, hopefully, one day be able to take care of my bike without the aide of anyone. Just thinking about being able to do that does indeed make me happy.

    This forum is here to answer these type of questions.

    Never feel scared to ask. Some keyboard commando with cats and a Harley will prolly spout off about "oooohhh noooooeeezz it's another oil thread" or "use the search function"

    But just ignore her and ask what you need to.

    Please continue.

    Thanks for the encouragement. It's good to know that I have a place to go if I ever have a question about my motorcycle since I'm still a n00b. :)

  6. I'm a little lost on this whole oil thing, even though I shouldn't be. I know how to change the oil in a car and am going to be taught how to do it for my motorcycle tomorrow but I'm at a loss at to what type to use...

    I have a 2007 Kawasaki Ninja 250R with a little over 5,000 miles on it and am getting mixed reports as to what brand/type to use. One website says to use Shell Rotella T6, which is "made" for diesel truck but supposedly good for Ninjas and another website says to use 5W-40 or 5W-50.

    I'd great appreciate any advice you guys can give me!

    -I am also changing the oil filter so if you have any recommendations for that I'd love to hear them-

    Thanks! :)

  7. I'm not sure if they carry it but there is a UDF just up the road from me on the corner of Hudson and Indianola... They might carry it?

  8. What I did is ride the route with my bike first before actually taking it to work so I could notice somethings, like small pot holes, that I seemingly couldn't in my car. It will also give you a feel for about how long it may take and also a feel for the traffic.

    That's what I did at least.

  9. Today my friend and I were riding on 70E going towards 71N when this van in the other lane decided it needed over, for no reason at all. This made my friend and I slam on our brakes going not more than 70mph to avoid a crash. I got so pissed off that I sped past my friend so I was side to side with that van and kept honking my horn till they saw me so I could flick them off.

    I know it didn't solve anything but damn it felt good.

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