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Posts posted by gidet

  1. The thing about the "club" is true. Like for example:

    Riding home from work tonight I passed by this motorcyclist going the other way on a four lane highway who waved at me. I didn't see his hand till I had passed by him so I felt like a dick.

    But are you really suppose to wave at night? I mean come on.

  2. I see a lot of bikes at night that seem to have neon under the bike, which always catches my eye. So I'm just wondering what you guys think of this neon lighting? Would it be a good investment in the future to buy it if you do a lot of night riding?

  3. It's on groupon.com. I think the deal is still up...

    Even though I am only twenty I do have a "bucket list"... why not? I've seen some things that make me want to appreciate life. I want to take advantage of it by doing everything I can think of doing. I'd like to think I'm very ambitious for my age :p

    But yeah even though it's only an intro class I hope that it's going to be awesome! I haven't been in an airplane since I was two years old. I don't remember even being in an airplane so it's going to be an adventure.

    Helicopter is next on my list!

  4. -I just recently made a "bucket list" out of boredom and on that list was "Fly a plane"-

    So I belong to this one site called "groupon", perhaps some of you have heard of it. But, if you haven't it's just a website that posts deals to local resturants and activities. Anyways... I logged onto the site today and what do I find?... a deal for a flight school that's 50% off ($75)!

    Right now I'm pretty pumped, and probably not making sense, because even though it's just one lesson I will be able to complete one of my goals! So naturally I want to tell as many people as possible about this :p

  5. COD is one of those games that is very addicting but yet you can walk away from one day and not think anything of it. To me it's only fun if you get together with people you know and play it but that doesn't mean I won't play it by myself. Although I must say playing alone seems to get old quick.

    But anyways.... I agree with LoTGoD Treyarch took a lot of my money too so I hope MW3 is better and well worth it and I also hope BF3 is decent.

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