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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. i never rode in this cold weather, i have no idea how brutal its going to be, going to do a trial ride today in and around Yt to see how much of it i can handle esp with my raynauds its going to be real tuff ..but some ride is always better than no ride..
  2. the possibility that he read this is minimal since he is busy with family towards weekend. Imprez and holly, its alright ..may be next time... more like next season
  3. Now the term action hero has truth and meaning to it, I wish one day all movies were made with real life common folks And end this "movie star" thingy
  4. josh so ur coming to youngstown that day right? Bad dont party much and hangover out on saturday remember we all slabbing to bolivar because we love you akron/canton guys
  5. dayum, Was hoping to ride with the stretched one again anyways, i updated the first thread with the details. Looks like weather will hold up as bad said, highs of 59 looks as best as we can hope for. start in bolivar, ( bolivar start is as of now for mike, siacono and bad324, ) will meet at 11:15, start by 11:30 and 3: 30 hours of ride, which will end by 3- 3:30 ish how does that sound? updated first thread with more details do check it out.
  6. welcome, and awesome showroom u have there
  7. Thx Texas, Fiji, no use in light for go pro , the camera sux monkey balls when it comes to low light performance
  8. Nice magz, hope to see ya there, u can ride down with conne?
  9. thats good, then we can ride together from here
  10. Alright, the route I was thinking was 212 542 151 250 646 9 nice twisty roads and not very open to have wind blowing onto us
  11. Valid point, 11:30 is a good time?
  12. the funny thing is i never tried riding in temp this low, so i have no idea how bad its going to be ... must be real bad for me if you guys feel its bad.
  13. yea thats a point may be extend it to noon time? i was hoping to have the most ride during the noon time. before it gets cold in evening again.
  14. come on bad , okay 10:30 any later that that we may not have any time at all to ride
  15. Niceee, not at early morning start , more like 10ish Ah Connie we can meet up near Canfield as we mentioned last time
  16. Just informing the NEO side riders that prolly we might have a ride on the 22 if weather holds good. Will update with more info like start point and route once i reach home. As of now 4 of us are there, if more want to join more than welcome. Prolly the last rideable day. We will ride it to the max on that day, based on other interest and area where riders are from we can tweak the start point and route Route: http://g.co/maps/pqt8s MEET UP SPOT: bolivar dairy queen as always. Time: 11:10 , kick stand by 11:30 almost every one will will reach home before 4:30 Josh if your coming down to armith place we can meet up in front of http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Clarkins+Dr&hl=en&ll=41.45302,-80.661621&spn=0.395243,1.056747&sll=41.105872,-80.829849&sspn=0.049669,0.132093&geocode=FcOJcwIdgZYv-w&vpsrc=6&mra=mr&t=m&z=11, take exit 223 and its right up front. This will be reasonable place for Jerry and jeff from warren to come down and meet as well i guess. Also if Magz and Conne are coming down 11 from astabula its easy for them as well. Meet time around 9:50 here so we can reach bolivar comfortably without speeding
  17. Yep, it also helps to check the mirror if it's on or not
  18. *reserving space for more.*
  19. Did not know which sub forum this goes to, since many people use go pro to record their rides i thought might as well put it here. All of these simple things most users know by now, still if any new go pro users or people who are contemplating to buy one might find this useful. 1. Which one to buy. Gopro motorsport hero is the best bet to go by i guess, it gives you both the suction clamp and sticky ones to use. And it shoots at 1080. Worth the extra cost. 2. Which Mount to use? Suction mount can be attached literally to any flat surface on your bike. Dont worry very strong mount and wont come of even in the harshest of speed and terrain. usually people do it on the windscreen, draw back is the vibration, tie the camera end of the mount with tension down to the base of mirror if you are attaching to the wind screen. This helps reduce vibration and provides safety in case it comes off. (may be like 1 in 10000 chance for that) using the curved sticky mount on helmet gives the best views, depending on the angle you point the camera u can get part of bike also as perspective. Always look at a mirror with your go pro attached to the helmet to make sure where its pointed in YOUR NORMAL RIDING POSITION. And roughly remember the angle the go pro makes with the helmet. Also always double check with a friend if your riding in group to see if the go pro is pointing straight. Its painful to have 2 hours of sky or back of helmet recorded. And even with best of editing skillz nothing can be done with such a footage. stick a leveler from home depot or some thing on to the top of case which will help you with leveling horizontal. . disclaimer: Some states its illegal to have attachment on your helmet. saw this on kawi forums, practical even though unorthodox. (by Tronix) 3. what cover to use? For all practical purposes its better to use the non water proof cover. It also gives the best sound recording while in twisties where u mostly keep it below 120mph. (i hope) except when its raining or in rare chance your going under water with your bike. Reason the waterproof cover gets fogged up leaving the center of the image blurred beyond recognition mostly. Yet another painful lesson all first time go pro users learn after coming back home to the pc after a 3 day motorcycle trip. Among the go pro users this is termed "F'd up footage" in the rare circumstance you want to use the waterproof cover. use this along side. 4. Extra battery and Card. Only if your filthy rich buy the extra battery pack. If not the very practical way is to buy additional battery like i did and stick a tape on it for easy changing. This cost you like 15 bucks, the battery pack cost you about 80. Since the battery last only about 2 hours, its better to just buy 2 16gb cards than one 32gb card. When u stop to change battery change the card as well. The advantage, in rare case of the card or recording getting corrupted you can always have the back up of the other one. Down side, dont loose it. 5. How to record? the neanderthal design of go pro only put an lcd in front so u never know when ur recording while riding. Having the cam attached to helmet at least allows you to look at mirror and confirm it while you ride into a ditch because of lack of concentration. But if the cam is up front on bike there is no way to confirm. So best bet is to keep pressing the record button every 10 min interval, dont press it twice. You will forget track when ur recording or not, hence every 10 min one press on button. So you will atleast get part of the ride. So have the camera on the left hand side of the bike to operate with ur non throttle hand. one big 2 hour recording is hard to edit and chance of file corruption and loosing all recording is high. Another way is to Velcro a small mirror to the back of the glove to look at the lcd in front. This also allows you to put on make up during breaks. 6. Carry Extra attachment always- at least on long trips? small screws are involved in attaching the camera, hence its always best practice to carry and extra one with you. There is a high chance you might loose one of these and there is no other alternate way to effectively mount the camera. Addition clamps and attachment can be bought cheap. Another one to carry is the glass lens of the cover, one small drop of the camera and you scratch it rendering the whole unit useless, carry one with you and you can swap it easily. this is also pretty cheap to buy and store. This was looong... Will update with some more tips later. and when i get time will try to put in some editing 101 as well. Thx for reading.
  20. nicee... accounts of good experiences are always promising how much paper work does it involve to get the title ready and all?
  21. ah mike, heard lot of good stuff about the bike, can it easily pass cars on highway 2 up? bill, did u sell them to local buyers or shipped it ?
  22. thank you NSB156 thx for the likes on youtube looks like many people liked the slow style, will do couple more of such videos.. saving money now to get better video / and photograph set up for next riding season. Are there lot of restrictions on race track video shooting?
  23. yea i understand what u mean imprez, same here.. but some sites have like well documented stuff etc etc. Looks pretty honest, and good reps on ebay ..so was wondering if any one had any experience before Sniper, no concrete plans, just toying around with ideas during the cold non riding months ... currently looking at suzuki DL, the basic idea is looking at affordable, light weight sport touring capable bike for 2 up rides.
  24. How safe is it to buy bikes from ebay and all? what all things should we be careful about? This might have been discussed before, a quick search did not give me valuable info, looking forward to opinion from some one from here who have done it or who knows some one who bought like that.
  25. hey thx, sorry for thread jacking
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