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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. NinjaDoc

    Tuesday 8/23

    We can meet at the best buy on 224 around 9 am if it's okay with you, Nice to see the Youngstown riders rolling together at last
  2. i some how cope with it i guess ....kfjdbfigiwougfuo.... there its acting again *punch myself out cold*
  3. hey mike any chance u off on tuesday... just two of us? this is the thread http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=81760
  4. NinjaDoc

    Tuesday 8/23

    ah nice, me too dont wanna do marathon. Am a slow paced casual rider, hope its okay with you. I usually ride the 170 down and 164 up if its just me since its pretty decent trip with decent to good technical curves and just takes like 4 hours to finish. I like riding early so we can beat the noon heat. But the route time and all can be adjusted based on what suits your schedule as well. since its a odd day i think only two of us will be there, hopefully some body else might come
  5. NinjaDoc

    Tuesday 8/23

    Tuesday weather looks nice, am planning on heading out for ride, any one around here who is riding on that day? 561 Boardman Poland Rd Youngstown, OH 44512-4909
  6. Ah sure will try that if needed, noe I guess i might start getting tickets, even if I was lime 18 to 20 above at rare instances the bike wouldn't make any noise and no body noticed, this exhaust sound like a beast and I think I might flagged for even 10 under
  7. hey thx conne, i didnt want to think more and more.... and just went ahead and bought the m4 as soon as i confirmed i had enuf fund ... prolly its my ocd+add acting up
  8. oh the moto gip is loud as in EAR BLAST LOUD, I am noob in these matter, from what you say i believe the muzzy is far better system than the MGP i guess? i some what wanted some think dark tone instead of the shiny stuff, but if its a good one i might as well get it. How loud is muzzy.? i want cars to hear me at least thats all.
  9. Hi, I was planning on putting an exhaust on my 09 zx6r, purpose is just for reasonable decent sound (not earache) so that it some what alerts the cars around me about my presence. I am not much particular about the perfomance part. (i think there is more than enuf power for me to handle ) after searching around i came across moto gp frpm hotodies, reasonably priced one, not like expensive and not downright cheapo. Just wanted to know if any body has any knowledge or input about this. ? i looked at the usual exhausts like yoshi/akr which i think was too expensive for a casual rider like me.
  10. So true, well I decided not to push him to make hasty decision and asked him to attend the msf course to start off
  11. we will do one some time soon bad, i will post the route, for next month only., this month getting killed and we will conveniently start late so its easy for you
  12. Thx CSS, sure i will, firsthave to find some free time then have to meet more and more riders
  13. hey thx for the tips guys, i will certainly keep this in mind, he is average guy around 5'7 and i fel sorry that i am pushing him to get this bike a little bit. Coz i dont have any close friends riding a bike. But he is lvl headed and hope he will take it easy will try to haggle about the price, he is still 50 50 on getting a bike, unless it comes in for less than 1500 ish hey josh i will keep an eye out for the BB, if nothing comes along lol at bad what happened with the footage? was it on that snap shot mode with intermittent timing?
  14. My friend who has very minimal to no experience in riding is trying to look for a bike to start off. We are looking at some thing like used ninja 250. We just came across one 2006 model one, asking 2000, dont know about how the condition is or if it has mods on (from the looks i dont see any). if we "guesstimate" how much do u think a ninja 06 model price can range from, i mean a crappy condition to good one with enuff mods on it. And any advice on what to look for when we do a test ride, ? am a nooby in tech matter hence asking these basic questions.
  15. Ty mathis, I wished to shoot some footage of the race but I heard it's kind of license restricted inside the tracks and non riders can't shoot, and am a noob and have no intention for track 'daying'
  16. Da car had lill too much Indian curry may be lol
  17. Ah if it's too late to ride to other places I just ride in and around here, for some reason I like to ride the busy streets, may be I am used to it after riding 15 yrs in indian hustle bussle
  18. Welcome, another neo rider ... good ...good hope to see you in our next group ride
  19. We can always go in the evening too
  20. Thx aetsh, ahh where did we cross path, Youngstown itself or in boardman area, too bad I can't remember the bikes I see
  21. Thx aetsh, ahh where did we cross path, Youngstown itself or in boardman area, too bad I can't remember the bikes I see
  22. Ah midway stop as always for some grease tasty burger, what a nice day
  23. Ah too late for 8 30 guess 9 00 you in?
  24. Ah I was thinking of just doing a small ride in morning before noon heat, meet at best buy around 8 30 and finish of ride by 11 ? The route 170 down 164 up, what do u think?
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