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Posts posted by lammiepie615

  1. Still on as of now and if Lammiepie wants to meet up in Westlake for the ride to Akron that would work. My shop is in Westlake and I should be done about 7am or so.

    Not sure what my plans for the weekend are...gotta see what the family is up to. If I am able to go, I will PM you and we can meet up somewhere.

  2. speedytripple:

    Sounds like the Ranger was on the ball. Professional, respectfull and paying attention to the little details. I'd like to work with more guys like him.

    I fell into LEO work, I still see myself as a displaced GI. My worst fear is loosing my professionalism ansd "military bearing" on a traffic stop. Don't get me wrong. I speak fluant asshole, but a person has to take actions to bring that type of responce. I had an old SWAT guy tell me "be nice and polite untill it's time not to be". For as many cops there are out there who want to just act hard and intimidate people, there are just as many who have a sence of duty and profesionalism.

    I find it easier and more natural to treat other people like decent human beings. For every person's action, I respond with a reaction. Therefore, there are times where I absolutely need to be assertive and respond with audacity.

    But I think there are many officers who lose sight of the big picture. Treating everybody like shit makes the line of work extremely difficult in the long run.

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