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Everything posted by lammiepie615

  1. http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=41.024328,-80.63463&daddr=Petersburg,+OH+44443+to:OH-170+S+to:OH-170+S%2FJackson+St+to:Irish+Ridge+Rd%2FSubstation+Rd+to:40.64789,-80.5998+to:W+8th+St+to:OH-39+W%2FOH-39+Scenic+N+to:E+Main+St+to:40.48226,-80.91698+to:OH-164+S%2FAmsterdam+Rd+SW+to:US-250+W+to:Unknown+road&hl=en&ll=40.59336,-80.863152&spn=0.141039,0.338173&sll=40.494482,-80.939026&sspn=0.141247,0.338173&geocode=FUj7cQId-pwx-w%3BFXRGcAIdhDMz-ykNPcKNwvUziDGrcHW7l5-S0g%3BFRCRbwIdWMoy-w%3BFfqLbQId7qcy-w%3BFRJwbAIdLBAy-w%3BFdI8bAIdCCUy-ymd84LLMRc0iDFqsKL2sIwpoA%3BFVzpawIdRywy-w%3BFRKZawId-vIw-w%3BFa7eawId5Jcu-w%3BFdS1aQIdDE4t-ykZF9iOnps2iDG_TSTwAgmhqw%3BFUgvaQId3Ogo-w%3BFTp5aAIdsBQn-w%3BFSzWaQIdisQk-w&mra=mrv&via=5,9&z=12 Link of the route
  2. How about south on SR 164 instead? http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=41.024328,-80.63463&daddr=Petersburg,+OH+44443+to:OH-170+S+to:OH-170+S%2FJackson+St+to:Irish+Ridge+Rd%2FSubstation+Rd+to:40.64789,-80.5998+to:W+8th+St+to:OH-39+W%2FOH-39+Scenic+N+to:E+Main+St+to:OH-164+S%2FAmsterdam+Rd+SW+to:US-250+W+to:Unknown+road&hl=en&sll=40.445118,-81.375389&sspn=0.141351,0.338173&geocode=FUj7cQId-pwx-w%3BFXRGcAIdhDMz-ykNPcKNwvUziDGrcHW7l5-S0g%3BFRCRbwIdWMoy-w%3BFfqLbQId7qcy-w%3BFRJwbAIdLBAy-w%3BFdI8bAIdCCUy-ymd84LLMRc0iDFqsKL2sIwpoA%3BFVzpawIdRywy-w%3BFRKZawId-vIw-w%3BFa7eawId5Jcu-w%3BFUgvaQId3Ogo-w%3BFTp5aAIdsBQn-w%3BFSzWaQIdisQk-w&mra=ls&via=5&z=9
  3. Sounds good, do you have a map of the route?
  4. Like I've stated before, the officers are horrible tactically and professionally. Both officers should have exercised some sort of physical control on the people outside the vehicle and should have approached the vehicle/driver in a normal traffic stop. The officer should then proceed to ask the driver for his license, proof of insurance, and registration. That would have allowed the driver ample time/opportunity to inform the officer of this CCW permit. It seems that the officers may have put the driver in the situation that he's in. Whether or not the legal system views it that way is a different story. Police officers simply enforce the laws of the city/state. If you are dissatisfied with the way the CCW laws govern what you can/cannot do, then it's time to take a proactive approach to convince the politicians to have the laws changed. The Second Amendment, like other amendments, are subject to interpretation; some consider it be vague or ambiguous whereas others take it literally. Therein lies the problem as everyone has a different perspective on it.
  5. I rode today with helmet, gloves, jacket, jeans, and boots and was soaked when I was finished. I decided I'm staying inside with the a/c...doesn't help when all you're thinking about is being uncomfortable
  6. http://www.theblaze.com/blog/2011/07/20/video-police-caught-on-tape-behaving-nicely/ This certainly is refreshing and is suppose to be how the police-citizen interaction occurs. Unfortunately, you are not likely to see this in the newspaper or on television.
  7. The computer or the dispatcher should indicate, in a perfect world, if the registered owner is a CCW permit holder. There is no duty to inform if you aren't the permit holder, but you can indicate this to the officer if you wish to deescalate the traffic stop. I definitely appreciate it, because I have encountered CCW permit holders who are not driving their own registered vehicle.
  8. If you're concerned about the sun, start the ride at 7:00 and/or alter the route.
  9. What time is this ride starting up?
  10. I don't think the duty to inform will ever be eliminated due to its need for officer safety (similar to the justification for pat down searches). It's nice to know what kind of situation you are rolling up on.
  11. It may be a waste, but the education benefits are worth it if you can deal with the BS.
  12. On another side note, if you have a CCW permit and gun on your person...familiarize yourself with the laws. When in doubt, ask or research. If you don't follow the laws precisely, you can have your weapon seized as evidence, your CCW permit revoked, end up in jail, and have a CCW permit violation on your criminal history.
  13. If the officers were using the appropriate tactics, they would not have been in this situation. It is too EASY to conduct a pat down search (for their safety) of the two individuals outside the vehicle and place them in the rear of the patrol car until you have everything figured out. Personally, I like to deal with one person at a time. Also when working a two man car, one officer is the contact officer and the other officer is the cover officer. Only one officer should be interacting with the driver or passenger. Although the officers may have been in the wrong, I still do not believe the driver is exactly innocent either.
  14. I am a LEO myself and there are definitely horrible officers that give the public a very negative perception of law enforcement. This in turn makes it harder for the other decent officers to accomplish their job. It is definitely unprofessional and inappropriate for the officer to yell at the driver. Once the driver is already handcuffed and is seated in the rear of the patrol car...there is no reason at ALL for him to continue to berate the driver especially when there is a dash cam in the car. On the contrary, the driver is not exactly the brightest crayon in the box. He had many opportunities to tell either officer, "I have a CCW permit and I have a gun on my person". I believe the subtitles lead the viewers to believe that the driver did not have any opportunities. Tactically, both officers are not safe. You detain all persons on scene or exercise some type of physical control before you take your eyes off the driver to search the car. Maybe the audio was not captured, but the second officer should not have been searching the vehicle unless he either had consent from the driver or the driver was already being arrested (then it would be an inventory search of the vehicle prior to it being towed).
  15. lammiepie615

    New Toy

    Give it a rest, this is a forum on the Internet.
  16. The weather doesn't look too promising for this weekend.
  17. Hope you have a speedy recovery!
  18. I may as long as there is some riding...I'm not a big fan of standing around a Parking lot watching a bunch of drunks
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