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Everything posted by Simplysix

  1. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/2738881083.html
  2. 4daivi, you forgot http://xaxor.com/images/Funny-Come-at-Me-Bro-memes/Funny-Come-at-Me-Bro-memes27.jpg
  3. Seven New Uses for Old Shotgun Shells http://1800recycling.com/2010/10/recycle-shotgun-shells/
  4. what the deuce, they look fine on my end. I hate computers
  5. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=86438
  6. I've always heard good things about trugel, currently running one with no problems http://www.bikemaster.com/bmstrv2.nsf/0/D0A5D51618DBEF8F862576B20074849F?opendocument
  7. nevermind, Apparently i should have refreshed page sooner
  8. from owners manual The seat lock is located on the left hand side of the battery tray, in line with the footrest mounting rail. To remove the seat, insert the ignition key into the seat lock and turn it anti-clockwise while pressing down on the rear of the seat. This will release the seat from its lock and allow it to be slid rearwards for the complete removal from the motorcycle.
  9. Looks awesome, should be killer when its finished
  10. Wtf, how does that happen
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