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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. And a few triple smokers....and anything with the number 8 on it.
  2. So....I swap thus stuff in and it makes a med a large? I'd have to try it on...
  3. Yeah we were hit by an old man with no insurance. Cost us a grand for the copay on our uninsured motorist coverage.
  4. Totally agree. Xr100 is about the perfect bike to learn wheel stands on. My cousin used to stunt his gsxr. He once rode a wheelie up 77 from canton to akron. Kid was crazy good at wheelies....couldn't hold a line for shit but stunt shit for days.
  5. Just pin the throttle and dump the clutch, it'll come up. My first wheelie was also a surprise and also scary. I've wheelie a fee times intentionally but it still scares the shit out of me if it gets up too high. My tl 1000s used to float the front wheel a few inches off the ground all the way thru 1st and 2nd gear, that was pretty cool but not exactly safe. My bandit 1200 will yank the front end right up if I roll on it in 1st gear over 5k rpm and will easily loop it if I don't get off the throttle or on the rear brake. Scary as fuck.
  6. You can wheelie pretty much anything if you wind it up hard enough and dump the clutch. Not that I'm a big wheelie rider.
  7. Piece work is the best way to destroy the quality of a product. Not something you want to do with aircraft brakes. Before this cocksucker got promoted everything was fine. Our department got its work done every day, no discipline issues, no problems...for years. After he took the shift there was a union steward coming over every few weeks because this guy had a hard on for writing people up for bullshit. He's a fucking power trip. Worst kind of boss.
  8. Not supposed to use anything but warm water and mild soap on the inside or the anti fog coating starts peeling. I don't have clarity issues with my shields. Love the transitions visor, will never go back to clear ones.
  9. Yeah...would prefer to work within 1/2 hr of home. Salary jobs at my company all require at least an associates degree in something. I have a ged. If you've never worked at a union shop you're not going to understand how things work at one. I know small business owners who dream of 15% profit.
  10. Also it's hard to have sympathy for a company that makes 15-20% profit on a million dollars a month and still lays guys off. The department I'm in now has beat our projected monthly goal by $50-90 thousand dollars consistently, every month.
  11. Yes, union shop. If working harder or better got me somewhere, I'd do it. It doesnt. All it does is take work away from the following shift, and in carbon heat treat, if there aren't parts out of the furnace, cool and ready to machine, people get sent home.
  12. I'm not scared. My fiancé makes good money and even on the $320/week unemployment I still have money after the bills are paid...In the short term. My mistake was getting comfortable and pretending I'd have this job for another 5 or 10 years...so I never considered getting laid off as an eminent threat. I have savings, assets and holdings that I'd rather let mature another 20 years rather than liquidate to keep the ship afloat. It's definitely in my best interest to keep my eyes open but wait till the layoff gets me. One in the hand is worth 2 in the bush...
  13. Whaler, the trick is getting the state to pay for the schooling. Btd, dude if I lived further north or if there are opportunities down my way I'm fucking in.
  14. Hoping we don't lose this one. We have before us a raw egg. An empty jar. A bare canvas. Let's do our best to guide him.
  15. I have the internet. I didn't know there was more than one.
  16. Tp.....you don't even ride yet. Don't worry about stunting. And don't make stunting a goal. You made a good choice coming to this forum. The vast majority of active members here are very safe, skilled, committed riders and will be more than happy to guide you, a neophyte, in your journey to become a good rider, myself among them. You have hundreds, maybe thousands of cumulative years of experience here to draw from. Be humble. Be eager to learn. Be a sponge, ready to absorb the wealth of knowledge that lives in this forum. or be a squid.
  17. My short term solution is to get shit faced tonight and take a vacation day tomorrow, then work every hour of the inevitable skads of overtime they're going to have to post to meet deadlines, and do exactly the bare fucking minimum during that time. And I Wanna be clear here, I'm not a bare minimum kinda dude. I'm proud of what I do. I'm proud of how efficiently I do it. I'm arguably the best guy that does what I do, and my boss knows it and tells me daily. I'd keep that pace up if it made a difference but it's a union shop. When layoffs come around it doesn't matter how good you are, how fast you are or how hard you work. The only thing that matters is how long you've been there.
  18. Maybe April will be better...
  19. I work. I've been there 7 years. I hired into the cnc machining cells. After a year I bid into the carbon heat treat division where I was happy. The scheduling was odd but I liked the job. It was interesting, I got some exercise and when I finished my work I was done for the day and free to enjoy whatever time was left in my shift however I wanted....until one of my coworkers was promoted and fucked everything up. This guy slept in the break room half the day when he was on the floor, but after he applied for the supervisor position he took it upon himself to become the worst kind of boss, chasing guys out of the break room and insisting we stay at our machines even after making 100% rate for the night. I bid out into my present position as a mechanic in the overhaul and repair department. It's a good job and we have a good supervisor who lets us relax after we meet quota for the shift. All was well for over 2 years until today when corporate arbitrarily laid off hundreds of employees all over the world, 7 of which from my current labor classification even tho we are Busy as hell. I currently have 7 guys below me in seniority. The division is letting go a contract with chatauqua airlines that comprises a huge portion of our work in may. I will likely be laid off at that time. I can bump back into the carbon facility and work for someone I despise on every level and who if I happen to see was on fire would buy gasoline to throw on him before wasting a drop of piss. My other option is to take the layoff which includes 7 weeks severence, 3 months health care (after that I can just marry my fiancé and get on hers) and 2 years unemployment plus paid tuition to a tech school of the state's choice. I work with a guy who was laid off 3 years ago and took the education route, he was forced into a cnc machining school that had fixed wages with all the companies they place graduates in at $12/hr. The school gets a check from the state upon placing a graduate. I currently make $19.25 an hour. Almost all my prior work experience is in machining. My dilemma should be fairly evident. Who's got some good advice out there?
  20. You can sure as hell wheelie a 600 kat. Riders discount is a sponsor here and gives discounts on gear and parts. Buy a helmet with dot or Snell certification. The more money you spend, the lighter, quieter and better ventilated it will be.
  21. You'd be fine on a 250 or 300 ninja.
  22. And gear. Head to toe protective gear made for crashing a motorcycle in.
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