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About DrewsBrews

  • Birthday 07/04/1984

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  • Location
    Hamilton, OH
  • Vehicles(s)
    04 Suzuki DL1000
    09 Qlink XF200

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  1. Unfortunately probably not the best time of year to sell, though definately not the worst. May have to lower the price to entice some interest. But sometimes it just takes time. Typically bluebook assumes the vehicle has been maintained and factors that into the reported value. So recent maintinance doesn't realy bring the value higher.
  2. http://listverse.com/2009/03/07/16-signs-that-you-live-in-a-tyranny/ see#5
  3. I wish they had phone functionality so I'd get to watch them try and hold it up to their ear.
  4. Why yes it is .. a few of the pics I took http://imageshack.us/g/233/gedc0672.jpg/
  5. Similar results to the trip I took last weekend out to PA. If you do something again southside I'd love to tag along!
  6. Last I checked they average 7cents per gallon profit.. while ohio gets around 80cents per gallon as tax. some may go towards the roads, but you'd be surprised how much tax can end up in the general fund for hookers and blow.
  7. Textile armored jacket, fullface helmet, textile armored pants, armored leather gloves (or textile gauntlets if chilly) over the ankle hiking boots. For a few rides to work I didn't wear the pants because of the heat of the insulated overpants, but now that I have mesh pants I wear those and change at work. If I'm moving the bike between where I park it at the appartment, or the garage on the property I wear whatever I've got on at the moment.
  8. Why go through all the trouble when you can just paint the tip orange? instant bb gun
  9. Honestly if I worked those hours I'd be a pissy pants too. The guy is doing it to himself.
  10. The decision must come with motivation otherwise it is hollow. Many people must hit rock bottom before something stirrs them into change. Sometimes people are "scared straight", all I know is something just clicks in your head and that's when the decision is truely made. I've experienced such a thing. After pretty much a lifetime of feeling sorry for myself for being very overweight; One day something clicked, I got on nutrisystem and lost nearly 70lbs in a matter of months. I don't know what motivated me, just after that morning in the shower before work I was all of a sudden dead set on doing it, and I did it. Had I made such a "decision" any other day I would not have followed through.
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midlife_crisis It's not an age thing, more a mindset. I feel like I'm going through the same at 27. Probably what the whole motorcycle thing is about for me lol. Setting goals can help. Such as things you can do to ease the financial load and set yourself up for possible salary change. For instance I moved and got a roommate to cut rent almost in half.. this will allow me to save money and pay off my vehicle loan early thus become debt free. A big difficulty is to get your significant other to realise how much of a problem this is becoming for you. A third party would realy be helpful in that regard.
  12. Sounds like fun. I'd like to join in and meet some folks. I've done similar weekends to test out my gear at some local land. I've camped in my backpackers tent in mid to upper 30s. If I hadn't had a spare blanket to put over the mummy bag I'd have packed up and rucked back out. I'm glad I got to experience it, but something I wouldn't go out of my way to do again.
  13. Danger is the spice of life and not all danger is within our own control. Why is it that people think being born human means bad things arn't alowed to happen to them? Look at how cruel nature is.. how often do you see a wild animal dieing from complications of old age? If "drunk driving" is deemed so bad then why arn't repeat offenders imprisoned? that's what confuses me
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