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Posts posted by Limitedslip7

  1. How about this- lets make the bet more realistic so people can use the "too much money" excuse.


    $40 a pull, 3 pulls. 40-140, 60-160, Dig (or) another 40- or 60- race. You get one Miss shit re-do.


    I'll get in on this with my non rotor'd 7. Pistons vs. Rotaries-Lets make it happen.


    Coltboostin vs. Twisted

    Ass vs. RX-7rcer


    Then switch.


    Since we should have all the excuses covered here, lets lock it up.




    Don King.


    Put me in for a few roll races on the rotary side...



    BTW, did you get your transmission issues figured out?

  2. Max, j00 need to give me a ride in your car before you sell it.


    A guy I worked with gave me a ride in his LS1 FD. Sounded so fucking good, I think he said he had Z06 heads and cams.


    It forcibly ejected a piston a month later... just goes to show that any car will blow up if you don't know what the fuck your doing. I find it funny that some of the people around here talk so much shit when their car would probably get waxed by most of the rotaries on this board.

  3. ...with finals! Fucking rough this quarter, they were.



    Time to go get me some sweet sweet nectar and drink the pain away!















    ...And if you didn't have finals... well FUCK YOU. Enjoy some tittays and consider yourself lucky.


  4. Whatever you do, NEVER buy a spyder or anything spyder related. I have owned 4 of them when I first started playing; they all sucked DICK. If you can't spend a decent amount on a gun, buy a Smart Parts Ion, they are hands down the best gun for the price (less than $200 used).
  5. I hate fucking traffic. It really pisses me off when you sit in traffic for ever and then get to the end and either there is nothing there, Or it's someone on the side of the road with a minor thing. :mad:


    Holy FUCK I hate that shit. Happens all the fucking time in Cincinnati on every fucking highway; the worst fucking drivers EVER congregate down here... Fucking sit there creeping along on a four fucking lane highway for 45 min hoping that someone fucking DIED in the accident ahead, only to come upon OPEN FUCKING HIGHWAY. PISS OUT MY ASS. :mad:

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