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Dying Shadow

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Posts posted by Dying Shadow

  1. Ok. Lemme give you some new guy advice before you leave in a huff. You're new. You post a thread bitching about service somewhere. Youre going to get responses, and you're not going to like all of them. So far you got one from a guy who works at a dealer, one from a guy who owns his own shop and one from a professional mechanic. Telling people their posts are offensive, touting your 'pedigree'...doesn't bode well. I'm telling you this because I've seen a lot of guys come here with a certain attitude and leave within a week or two with a very sore ass. You're new. Thank people for their advice. Be gracious. It will go a long way for you. Also, prepare your tender balls for some serious busting over your screen name, its gonna happen.

    lol I need to shake you're hand if I ever meet you or hell buy ya a beer hahahaha this was a good post.
  2. You realize 90% of the time it all the same stuff? We used to make boxes for Pennzoil and also made supertech(walmart oil) boxes, we vizited the bottleing facility one time and watched them change over all the bottles and boxes from one to another and was putting the exact same oil in them. So im quessing Suzuki, Yama lube, and Honda suff is mostly the same stuff.You should be putting hi end syntetic in that beast anyways..but we will save that for another thread.

    this be it Mr Tim also agreed another thread. See you at Wayne I hope lol


  3. A salesman doesn't have to know his product. He just has to know how to sell his product. Most don't know fuck about anything they sell. Hell, I was argued with by a local Ducati parts guy about fucking motor oil. Don't tell me what oil to buy. Just give me the oil I ask for...you fucking desk monkey. You're simply the middle man, between me and the shit I want. Shut up, hand it to me and take my money.


    I also had a salesman try to tell me that "throttle bodies aren't fuel injection". I just shrugged and walked away. No need to get twisted because a dealership bike monkey is stupid. They're all stupid. That's why they sell motorcycles for a living. That, or they're all trust-fund kids that don't need a real job.

    agreed I need oil for my quad its a Honda and the dude just kept pushing the Honda OEM shit lol and I run Suzuki oil in it and he was acting like the damn thing was gonna blow up by running the other brand, little did he know I've ran it for years in my perfect running trx..
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