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Dying Shadow

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Posts posted by Dying Shadow

  1. My parents have a blind, deaf and diabetic cat. We can't place when exactly they got it but it's sometime before 1997. It can no longer get up on the couch and it's back legs don't bend at the knees. I wish they would just put him down because I hate to see him like that.

    we got a cat(Trouble) that is 18 going on 19 and is starting to get skinny, hard to tell if she is suffering because she has so much spunk and liveliness in her. Its hard when you have them that long.  Also just realized this post is a year old......

  2. Thinking of riding this here joy machine tomorrow, but I don't like to ride alone. Anyone in to ride fairly early? Thinking around 10. Probably hocking.

    Thought you said early? lol hell that's late, come on man lets do 8!! :coffee:   Im going down next weekend sorta with some peps or id go. Shit i also gotta work on my quad :mad:

  3. I'd just clean it up, and put the bolt, and a new washer on and see what happens.

    i would but the lip well half of it cracked and broke completely off man. see the light gray area there is a lip that extends down that the bolt goes threw think ill just try to buff/grind if flat and smooth then new bolt and washer then see what happens.

  4.  Sucks, I hope it's something simple like the bolt washer.

    fuck.........well not so simple fix as I hoped. Hmmmmm not 100% on how I'm gonna fix this any input? Maybe I could grind it smooth and make sure the threads arnt fucked, not sure lol. On a better note there wasn't a washer on there either, I think on my last oil change it stuck to the bottom and must of fell off in the oil catch and I didn't notice.


  5. Talking about last video only right? I seen the no mobile crap on YouTube, but steve said he watched it? And I'm not sure how to fix it, if I can even? On a PC and I can view it here fine, so idk whats up? I do think when they updated this forum the option for raising the resolution is there, but doesn't seam to do anything if you ask me they all play in low resolution.

    the last vid is the only one man and its not avalible for mobile, not sure I can watch others and I know live leaks vids don't work on my phone peroid.
  6. That rig was built before and the main reason wife put the account on lockdown and only gave me $40 lol, and trust me I offered to pay it back.

    still waiting sir.....

    Does anyone want to buy me some gas?

    I gots you mane!!!!!
  7. What's wrong with it?

    leaking oil for no damn reason out of the blue. Coming from the oil disposal bolt so hoping the washer is fucked up or something its not loose, hope the threads arnt fucked. Not sure just started to leak for no reason I was pissed when I seen it dripping, vary slow leak at that so I figure maybe its the washer. I'll find out better when I have time Friday to fuck with it.
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