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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. I'll weld ur trailer up for it:lol:
  2. Yea it was fun to ride up there and find out its a long ass wait O well, Tim said I had to go so I did.
  3. Dude or mirrors look ghetto, u need some OEM ones.
  4. Ohhh and your sweet ass better be ready to move that 1200lb safe too are basement lol
  5. Good god lol defently dont want you stopping by.
  6. Thanks shawn. I guess I have too now give me a couple min.
  7. Took care of it for ya, that was funny shit!
  8. lolol thanks for coming up dude, Karl didn't even offer to help that asshole:eek:
  9. I just asked her about u 2 and she laughted so next time you come over it may be awkward. Also when I'm moving shit that is twice to 3x heavyer than me you bet your ass on gonna huff and puff haha.
  10. Hmmmm possibly not still there are some more things u lack but I won't post them on the interwebs:D and they both are married my sis will be soon any way @Hellmutt shit he doesn't have a chance with me, I'd be a pic of him lol.
  11. Kidding! Just wanna give a big thanks to that douch bag for driving an hour and a half to help me move yesterday. Put them muscles to work! Seriously tho ya got heavy shit to move hit him up!
  12. U can take gunner off the list and I'm a maby for dino day middle of moving so we shall see.
  13. I seen them on Fb I don't like the sight of the back board either. I sent him a txt no dice yet, anyone else get anything?
  14. Gonna need some pics, kinda figure since he old that means she is too.
  15. I would of at leased waited till he posted about it. Hope he's OK!
  16. Actuly that don't sound too bad as long as there some good eye candy
  17. Don't know I've only ridden my 650 and a gsxr600 but I think the 636s look sexy as fucx
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