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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. I bet if he had a real bike he would be one hahah hi stew welcome.
  2. You still gonna get you some quads?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STpw0q6HJm8&feature=youtube_gdata_player There you go
  4. Dying Shadow

    Rare ride

    Wanna meet up and ride to the location gunna
  5. Dying Shadow

    Rare ride

    Can this be renamed Epic rare ride? Since MT is going
  6. Dying Shadow

    Rare ride

    In, i better document the rare occasion.
  7. Shit the way everyone put it I was comiting a felony by not going:lol:
  8. It sure does especially when u slide acrost pavement - ask me how I know!
  9. Affliction shirt guy?
  10. I can only do one or the other lol that's the thing.
  11. Your ass better go on the damn trip or there is a ass whoopin in store for you
  12. I'll pm u my number just hit me up, yea i know I am missing out gotta avoid this thread now lol.
  13. lol thanks when you guys go out let me know and ill try to learn from yall:bow:, also when i made the choice i gave up my vay-k at work also got a few other things going on that i gotta pay for right now that i didn't plan on. And how am i supposed to fallow yours and hutches lines when ill be a mile back . Thanks for the words tho man i like to hear what im doing wrong to improve no one has done that yet for me since i started riding except for a few small stuff and hear i thought my lines were ok.
  14. I was in front of the vary first small group that left when u were all organizing shit.
  15. I'll make next years if its in the cards and then I'll be a little bit better rider, that's if I can survive all the ghay ness at the track or so I hear.
  16. Do me a favor and act out our avatar for me haha
  17. My monies is going to trackdays now lol
  18. No I didn't have the honor of meeting you haha
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